
Awesome Datomic and Datascript related resources.

Eclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Awesome Datomic and Datascript related resources.


Please do contribute, if you have something which you think is awesome! PRs welcome from everyone :)



  • stillsuit - "The basic idea behind stillsuit is that you define a few top-level queries that return datomic entities or lists of entities, set up your schema to tell lacinia which :db.type/ref attributes point at which GraphQL types, and stillsuit handles graph traversal and field lookup for you."
  • Spirit. 'spirit provides a simple, intuitive data layer to access datomic using a document-based syntax, as well as a data-processing pipeline for fine-grain manipulation and access of data.'
  • Datomic-schema. 'datomic-schema' makes it easier to see your schema without sacrificing features'
  • datofu. 'theres a :db/fn for that'
  • Spec-tacular. DSL over datomic with schema creation, core.typed aliases, transactions etc.
  • Spectomic - generate datomic schemas from specs
  • datomock - Mocking and forking Datomic connections in-memory.
  • umlaut - Generate datomic (and gql, lacinia, etc.) schemas from a neutral format




  • Datomic news updates: Update examples against a social news database
  • Transaction attribute functions: Datomic transaction functions to "reset" attributes: i.e. make them have a post-transaction value you specify without having to enumerate the retractions.