This is a yeoman generator for making express & js applications. It's geared towards react & redux / es6, but you can use it for making general single page apps too. There is a full suite of watching, livereloading, compilation and related gulp tasks. The express server renders html as you would expect, and they can be found in the server/views
It is a work in progress, and pull requests are welcome as long as they remain in the spirit of the generator.
- Server rendered redux & react
- HTTP / HTTPS self signed localhost dev environment including live reload
- full suite of gulp tasks
- watchify accelerated browserify builds
- libsass sass compilation
- eslint rules
- scss lint rules
- babel es2015 / react / object spread
- etc
Install Yeoman - npm install -g yo
Install generator globally: npm install -g generator-cairn
Check everything is working: yo --help
- should see a list of generators, and cairn
in there too.
Make a new directory, cd into it.
yo cairn
- give the project a name (it uses the directory name as default).
Yeoman will perform git init
and npm install
for you - this takes a while, so be prepared for a short wait.
- default task runs dev server, watches and builds.
USE_HTTPS=true gulp
for running a https localhost server
Sockets on iOS with a self signed cert -
- Document other gulp tasks
- Document how config gets propagated from server render to frontend
Put skeleton react app in place
npm install -g generator-cairn
- Tweak live reloading of server process. Swap out dev server only when new process is ready, and live reload straight away on client.
- update config to be single module, instead of split across server / client.
- Included server side rendered React
- Included skeleton
app & components - Include component
inspection to gather data server side for render - Included scss breakpoints
- change from
in asset-path helper (windows support) - added default Node engine (6.3.0)