- Geometric calibration
- Stereo geometry with calibrated cameras
- Stereo geometry with uncalibrated cameras
- Multi-view structure from motion (MV-SFM)
- SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)
- Depth with stereo
- Local stereo matching : Window matching, Adaptive support region
- Semi-global stereo matching : Dynamic programming
- Global stereo matching : Belief propagation, Graph cut
- Shape from X
- Shape from shading
- Shape from photometric stereo
- Shape from texture
- Shape from structured lightening
- Volumetric scene modeling
- Model-based human reconstruction : Face(3DMM:3D morphable face model), Body(SMPL:Skinned multi-person linear model)
- Supervised learning
- KNN: K-Nearest Neighbors
- Bayesian classification
- Logistic regression
- Linear classifier
- Support vector machine
- Decision trees and random forests
- Unsupervised learning
- Clustering : K-means clustering, GMM : Gaussian Mixture Model, Mean-shift clustering, etc.
- PCA : Principal Component Analysis