
A simple application to simulate bank account operations, provide REST API and showcase synchronization mechanics.

Primary LanguageJava

Revolut Test Task

Tech stack

  • Java 11
  • DI - Google Guice
  • REST - Javalin
  • Testing - JUnit 5 & Mockito

How to run

Run Main::main, the app starts on port 8088 by default, but you can pass an argument to main with a different port.

The jar file is on top level. You can build your own, but I was explicitly asked to include the jar in VCS, so it's here.


GET /v1/accounts/:id - check balance

POST /v1/deposit - add money, send Deposit DTO as request body

POST /v1/withdraw - withdraw money, send Withdrawal DTO as request body

POST /v1/transfer - transfer money from one acc to another, send Transfer DTO as request body

Interesting stuff

  • Data is stored in a HashMap, that is injected in HashMapAccountDao and initialized in AccountModule
  • Account operations can be found in AccountCommandServiceImpl and AccountQueryServiceImpl, all cool concurrency is there
  • Refer to LockFactory and Operation to see how concurrency is implemented
  • AccountController has handlers that are mapped to HTTP requests, you can find some validation there
  • Integration tests demonstrate the functionality, cover edge cases etc, you can find them in integration.account.*

Boring stuff

  • There are also unit tests that cover the classes, you can find them in test/java as well
  • Lombok is used to avoid cluttering data classes
  • Amount validation predicate is located in com.revolut.validation and is reused amongst handlers