
Universal Mega Dumper v2 PCB



The Universal Mega Dumper v2 project aims to be a complete open-sourced solution for cartridge dumping and writing. It includes a very performant MCU which has a direct memory connection to a generalized databus consisting of 24 address bits and 16 data lines. Along with a dozen or so control signals, it should be sufficient to interface with most cartridge types.

Cartridge Adapters

The UMDv2 by itself only includes a generalized connector with all its interfacing signals. Cartridge adapters must be used in order to interface to the physical media. All cartridge adapters, as they are created, are added to this project as submodules and will be linked in the CartAdapters directory.

Cartridge Adapter ID

Each cartridge adapter has an MCP23008 on the I2C bus which identifies the console type for the adapter and thus prevents contention on IO.

  • 0x00: no adapter
  • 0x01: Sega Genesis
  • 0x02: Sega Master System


Parts Libraries

All components in this project depend on my KiCad libraries which are available at https://github.com/db-electronics/kicadlib . I don't use any pre-existing libraries - fight me.


There are two firmware components associated with this PCB: the STM32 fimware and the PC-side client. Both are available here:

Please note that version 2.0 is in its absolute infancy, don't expect to find any working releases in the firmware links above for the time being. The links are for provided provideness for completeness of documentation.




The PCB version 2.0 release files are available in the releases section https://github.com/db-electronics/UMDv2-kicad/releases. Please note that this PCB is as of yet untested. Build at your own risk. I will post updates when I have begun testing this latest release.