
A framework for creating and evaluating immission models for Particulate Matter

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the framework evalPM for creating, evaluating, and comparing immission models of particulate matter (PM), as well as corresponding example datasets.

The datasets have been created using data from Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, from Luftgütemessnetz Brandenburg, from Deutscher Wetterdienst, from ARPA Lombardia, from the European Environment Agency, from The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, and from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service and the Copernicus Climate Change Service. The individual datasets and their data sources are documented by a README.txt in the corresponding data folders. Note that all times in the supplied datasets are in UTC. If you use data of locations which are in a different time zone, i.e. especially outside of Europe, it is advised to use timestamps of the corresponding local time, since the feature calculation mainly aggregates by date (as specified in the datasets), which obviously should align with the actual local days.

Using the Framework

A simple example of using the framework may look as follows:

import evalPM as pm
training_data, test_data = pm.features.load_data([2020], [2021])
                                                    test_metrics=["RMSE", "SMAPE"])

Here, a separate Gradient Boosting model is trained per station on data from 2020 and tested on data of the same station from 2021, with the evaluation metrics RMSE and SMAPE being reported per station.

Notable options of load_data() are especially the lists of training and test years, but it also supports the argument feature_file which should point to a JSON file specifying the features to calculate on the raw data (the format of such files is defined below in the section Feature Specification). Additionally, it supports the argument dirpath which should point to a directory containing the raw data files (one per station), on which the features are to be calculated; the default is data/data-saxony/.

The module pm.helpers contains many functions for easy model training and evaluation. As the basis, the function train_and_evaluate_model() expects a model instance and DataFrames with training and test data. The model needs to be an instance of any class in the module pm.models; if you would like to add a different kind of model, just extend the class AbstractModel to ensure compatibility with the framework. Additional parameters of train_and_evaluate_model() are train_metrics and test_metrics, which both can be either a list of error metrics (see the example above) or the string "all" to return all available metrics. test_metrics may also be set to "predictions" to return the model's predictions rather than error metrics.

More advanced functions of the pm.helpers module include train_and_evaluate_model_at_all_stations() which expects a model type rather than a model instance and dictionaries mapping station names to their training and test data DataFrames (as returned by load_data()), while also supporting model_parameters with which to instantiate the model of each station as well as the same train_metrics and test_metrics as train_and_evaluate_model(). In order to not only train and evaluate a separate model per station, but also vary the model parameters, you can use the function hyperparameter_grid_search(); it takes mainly the same arguments as train_and_evaluate_model_at_all_stations(), but differentiates between static_model_parameters and varying_model_parameters, across which all parameter combinations are used to train and evaluate separate models. Additionally, it can train and evaluate multiple models in parallel, if supplied with the according num_jobs argument; note however that using this function, because of the potentially parallel execution, might require you to call it from within a if __name__ == "__main__": block.

Trained models can also be persisted in order to load them later on. This can be done for an individual model or using the helper functions train_and_evaluate_model() and train_and_evaluate_model_at_all_stations(). It is advisable to save relevant metadata alongside the model (feature set, dataset, model type ...), which can be done using the parameter persistence_metadata. To load a saved model, use the method load_model() of the appropriate model class.

For further details regarding available functions and their arguments, take a look at the code and the docstrings within it.


This framework uses the following libraries:

  • pandas (version 1.4)
  • numpy (version 1.22)
  • scikit-learn (version 1.0)
  • tensorflow (version 2.8)
  • deepsig (version 1.2)
  • matplotlib (version 3.5)


To run an extensive grid search across model types, the amount of training data, boundary layer height features, and hyperparameters, you can simply run the script experiment.py which utilizes this framework. Note that the runtime of the unmodified script will be multiple days. To get the same results as us, make sure to install the same dependency versions using pip and the supplied requirements.txt. The script has been tested with python version 3.9.12. Result files will be written to the directory results. To switch to a different dataset than Saxony, simply adjust the variables data_folder, training_years, and test_years inside the script as needed.

Feature Specification

Features are specified by a JSON file, which can be passed as an argument to the load_data function. The default file is features_default.json, which is based on the features of Klingner et al. (the files features_blh-mean.json and features_blh-min-max.json are based on them as well).

The structure of the JSON file has to be as follows:

    "date_attribute": "date",
    "time_attribute": "time",
    "features": [

date_attribute and time_attribute specify the names of the date and time column in the data files.

features is a comma-separated list of feature objects, each of which has the following structure:

    "name": "rain2",
    "source_attribute": "rain",
    "aggregation": {
        "type": "mean",
        "start": "12:30:00",
        "end": "16:00:00"
    "shift": 0,
    "delta": 0

All values from start to end of each day (both times are inclusive; corresponding to the time_attribute) of the column specified as source_attribute get grouped by the date_attribute and aggregated according to the aggregation type. The name of the resulting feature is specified by name. In this case, the mean of all rain values from 12:30 to 16:00 of each day would become the feature rain2.

Possible values of the aggregation type include sum, mean, median, min, max, prod, std, var.

If the start time is after the end time or both are equal, the time range is interpreted to be from one day to the next day, e.g. from 16:30 to 06:30. In that case, the date of the calculated feature is the date of the latter day (i.e. the time range is from the previous day to the current day).

To aggregate over the whole day, simply omit both start and end.

The shift parameter can be used to shift the calculated feature by n days, e.g. to get an average value of the previous day (shift=1). The delta parameter can be used to calculate differences of the feature between n days, e.g. the change of the feature from the previous to the current day (delta=1). Both shift and delta can also be omitted instead of setting them to 0.

Special cases

In addition to these general options, there are also a few special types of aggregation.

Firstly, there is the aggregation type delta, which calculates a difference between two values of the source_attribute per day. The timestamps of these values are specified via start and end (i.e. they are required for this aggregation type); specifying a start greater than or equal to end results in start being on the previous day here as well. The feature is calculated as the end value minus the start value. This is especially useful for calculating the change of a variable within one day:

    "name": "temp_gradient",
    "source_attribute": "temperature",
    "aggregation": {
        "type": "delta",
        "start": "04:00:00",
        "end": "12:00:00"

Secondly, there are the aggregation types consecutive_days_zero and consecutive_days_nonzero, which count the number of consecutive preceding days (including the current day) where the source_attribute is zero throughout the whole day (consecutive_days_zero) or nonzero for at least one timestamp of the day (consecutive_days_nonzero), respectively. It is optionally possible to specify a time range via start and end in order to only consider the specified part of each day. These aggregation types could e.g. be used to calculate the number of preceding days with or without precipitation:

    "name": "days_without_rain",
    "source_attribute": "rain",
    "aggregation": {
        "type": "consecutive_days_zero"

Thirdly, there is the option to group by a different column than the date_attribute. To achieve this, set the aggregation block's optional parameter group_by to the column name by which to group the source_attribute. The necessary mapping from the resulting group keys to the date_attribute groups is found by grouping the group_by column by the date_attribute (each day should only have a single unique value (i.e. repeating for every time of that day) of the group_by column, so the mean is always used for this aggregation). Do NOT use this parameter to group by the date_attribute; for that case, simply omit the group_by parameter, since grouping by the date_attribute is the default behavior. Grouping by a different column than the date_attribute currently does not support selecting a sub-range of the time_attribute via start and end. An example use-case for this aggregation option is calculating the mean PM concentration per weekday, and supplying this value as a feature to every date with that weekday:

    "name": "pm_weekday",
    "source_attribute": "pm",
    "aggregation": {
        "type": "mean",
        "group_by": "weekday"

NOTE: The aggregation types delta and consecutive_days_(non)zero are mutually exclusive to specifying a different group_by column, i.e. they cannot be performed within a single feature. However, all of these can optionally be combined with either or both of shift and delta (outside of the aggregation block, see the general example above).


The framework consists of five modules, which interact with each other, as well as datasets.

The datasets consist of one CSV file per station, which contain columns for the date, time, and measurements. These datasets are used by the features module to calculate various features as well as the target variable using a feature definition as detailed above.

The models module acts as an interface between the framework and specific model implementations from other libraries. Therefore, existing implementations of various model types can be used and are available through a uniform interface within the framework. All hyperparameters are passed to the constructor of the relevant interface class, such that the training and prediction methods only require the actual training or test data. The currently included model interfaces include linear regression and gradient boosting based on scikit-learn as well as feedforward neural networks based on tensorflow. However, more interfaces can be simply added as needed, as long as they adhere to the definition of the AbstractModel.

The compare module facilitates evaluation and comparison of model predictions, either through various metrics like RMSE and SMAPE or through a statistical test based on deep-significance (model comparison only).

The visual module offers functions for visual interpretations by using matplotlib, either through a line plot of observations and predictions or through a heatmap of evaluation results.

The helpers module utilizes the modules models and compare to wrap model training and evaluation into a single function call and thereby simplify the use of the framework. This module also includes a function for hyperparameter optimization using grid search.

Attribution and Funding

Material and data preparation, analysis, and implementation were performed by Jonas Deepe and Lucas Woltmann.

This work was funded by the Modernitätsfonds (mFund) of the Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr (BMDV) under grant number 19F2136H.