A framework which comes with prepared scenes and classes to kickstart your card game, as well as a powerful scripting engine to use to provide full rules enforcement.
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Where is Autoload?
#191 opened by zzj0402 - 1
MIT License
#189 opened by db0 - 2
Issues moving over to 4.0
#184 opened by SnowBeaky - 5
issue in Quick Start Guide
#180 opened by m986883511 - 4
Is it possible to make it multiplayer?
#185 opened by LarryJane491 - 6
a godot 4 version?
#178 opened by linyangqi - 1
How do you increase card/game size?
#179 opened by crisdesivo - 1
Update codebase to Godot 3.5
#177 opened by ValorZard - 0
Refactor so that cards are always renderred really large, then scaled down to the proportions requested by the player
#176 opened by db0 - 3
Premade tutorial project
#172 opened by nightblade9 - 0
ScriptProperties wiki page is too long to render
#170 opened by db0 - 5
Addendum to the AGPL3 to allow use of Steam SDK
#159 opened by db0 - 9
using "compare_with_owner" or "compare_with_trigger" with KEY_BOARD_POSITION sets the board position to the relevant card
#168 opened by BertezBertez - 0
Fix modifying spawned cards
#167 opened by BertezBertez - 0
have spawn_card() set the subject to be the spawned card so it can be referenced with KEY_SUBJECT_V_PREVIOUS
#166 opened by BertezBertez - 0
functionally for scripts with subject "target" activating simultaneously to instead be placed in a queue and resolve one at a time
#165 opened by BertezBertez - 1
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Add option for board placement grids with the player cannot interact with. Such as for AI or other game mechanics
#163 opened by BertezBertez - 5
All the custom fonts are missing
#154 opened by Cwpute - 1
Plugin cannot be activated
#155 opened by Cwpute - 0
Allow card viewer to separate rows/columns with lines
#153 opened by db0 - 0
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Adjust QUICKSTART to also add `card_label_min_sizes` and `original_font_sizes` for new label
#145 opened by Sky84 - 1
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Nakama Integration for Multiplayer
#139 opened by db0 - 0
Make TargetingArrow easily extensible
#132 opened by db0 - 2
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Script the Quickstart Guide
#137 opened by db0 - 0
Make focus hightlight always appear in one position, unless the mouse would move under that position
#135 opened by db0 - 0
Spawned Card does not get a name
#134 opened by db0 - 3
Resizing window can lead to crash
#133 opened by ForGorNorPor - 0
Create a Card Script builder
#131 opened by db0 - 0
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Create a customizable deck builder
#127 opened by db0 - 1
- 0
Show count of how many cards are in the hand
#122 opened by db0 - 0
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New BoardPlacement value for autoplacement to named grid
#119 opened by db0 - 5
1.3 Trying to assign value of type 'MarginContainer' to variable of type 'CardFront.gd'
#115 opened by zombieCraig - 0
When viewport size is small, hand is oval, and there's a lot of cards in hand, the neighbour push is very small
#117 opened by db0 - 1
1.3 Main should default board_scene to demo scene
#113 opened by zombieCraig - 0
Enable CardContainer placement to show in editor
#112 opened by db0 - 2
Decouple core from custom
#104 opened by zombieCraig - 0
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Doc Recommendation: Quick Start Guide
#102 opened by zombieCraig