
A Github Action to handle testing Godot applications with GUT

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build tester

A Github Action to handle automated testing of Godot applications.

Assumes that you have installed and are using GUT as your testing framework.

GUT CLI alternatives

You can also run your own testing framework if you have a scene that can run tests on load and then exit.

You would use the 'direct-scene' option for that and you'll want the output for that scene to be similar to GUT's to help this action's pass / fail to work properly.

Refer to the folder "/tester/test/alt_mode" to see how to setup an override test scene for GUT, for use when GUT's CLI isn't working for your project.


Checkout your repository with actions/checkout then use this action. The version of Godot you want to test against is required (e.g. "3.2.2")

Example workflow:

name: Godot testing

on: [ push ]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: croconut/godot-tester@v2.5
        # required
        version: "3.2.2"
        # the type of release of godot that the tests should be run with
        release_type: "rc2"
        is-mono: "true"
        # the folder with your projects.godot file in it
        path: "tester"
        # how long to spend importing assets before tests are run
        import-time: "5"
        # how long tests can run in seconds
        test-timeout: "45"
        # the ratio of tests that must pass for this action to pass
        # e.g. 0.6 means 60% of your tests must pass
        minimum-pass: "0.6"
        # the directory containing Gut tests
        test-dir: "res://test"
        # instead of running GUT's command line tool, you can run a GUT test scene if you have one
        # set up correctly
        # helps enable things like mouse mocking and current scene to work without any extra coding steps
        # set up a scene like in this repo --> located at /tester/test/alt_mode/tests.tscn
        # set up a script like in this repo --> located at /tester/test/alt_mode/cli_plugin.gd
        # ensure cli_plugin.gd inherits from the GUT plugin
        # and exits on test completion
        # ensure tests.tscn uses your modified plugin script and check yes for run on load
        # uses relative path from your godot project directory
        direct-scene: "test/alt_mode/tests.tscn" 
        # default is false, set true to count asserts instead of tests
        assert-check: "true" 
        # not checked by default, set to a number to limit the 
        # maximum amount of failed tests for a passing test suite
        max-fails: 3  
        # to ensure all SCRIPT ERRORs dont contribute to your failure rate        
        ignore-errors: "true" 
        # default is GUTs default: 'res://.gutconfig.json'; set this to load a different config file
        config-file: "res://.myconfig.json" 

The import process has been recently improved but you may still see issues until Godot has a native solution for CLI.

The direct-scene and config-file options are mutually exclusive - if you use direct-scene you will need to edit that scene to reflect the GUT options you want to set.

The direct scene files in /tester/test/alt_mode are a good starting point for your custom testing scene.