
cache/lru implements an LRU cache with variable item size and automatic item eviction

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Package lru implements an LRU cache with variable item size and automatic item eviction.

For performance reasons, the lru list is kept in a custom list implementation, it does not use Go's container/list.

The cache size is determined by the actual size of the contained items, or more precisely by the size specified in the call to Set() for each new item. The Cache.Size() and Cache.Len() methods return distinct quantities.

The default cache eviction policy is cache size vs. capacity. Users who need to count items can set the size of each item to 1, in which case Len() == Size(). If a balance between item count and size is desired, another option is to set the cache capacity to NoCap and use a custom eviction function. See the example for EvictToSize().

Item creation and removal callback handlers are also supported. The item creation handler enables a pattern like

value, err = cache.Get(key)
if value == nil {
	// no value found, make one
	v, size, _ := newValueForKey(key)
	cache.Set(key, v, size)
	value = v

to work as an atomic cache operation via a single Get() call.

The package has built-in support for concurrent use. Callers must be aware that when handlers configured with NewValueHandler and EvictHandler are called, the cache may be in a locked state. Therefore such handlers must not make any direct or indirect calls to the cache.


go get -u github.com/db47h/cache/lru

Usage & examples

Read the API docs.

A quick example demonstrating how to implement hard/soft limits:

// Using EvictToSize to implement hard/soft limit.
func ExampleCache_EvictToSize() {
	// Create a cache with a capacity of 1GB. This will be our hard limit. When
	// the cache size will reach it, evictions will happen synchronously with
	// Set()/Get().
	c, _ := lru.New(1<<30, lru.EvictHandler(
		// This eviction handler is just here for debugging purposes.
		func(v lru.Value) {
			fmt.Printf("Evicted item %v\n", v)

	// start a goroutine that will periodically evict items from the cache to
	// keep the cache size under 512MB. This is our soft limit.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	var done = make(chan struct{})
	go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, done <-chan struct{}) {
		defer wg.Done()
		t := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 20)
		for {
			select {
			case <-t.C:
				c.EvictToSize(512 << 20)
			case <-done:
	}(&wg, done)

	// do stuff..
	c.Set(13, "Value for key 13", 600<<20)
	// Now adding item "42" with a size of 600MB will overflow the hard limit of
	// 1GB. As a consequence, item "13" will be evicted synchronously with the
	// call to Set.
	c.Set(42, "Value for key 42", 600<<20)

	// Give time for the background job to kick in.
	fmt.Println("Asynchronous evictions:")
	time.Sleep(60 * time.Millisecond)


	// Output:
	// Evicted item Value for key 13
	// Asynchronous evictions:
	// Evicted item Value for key 42

Specializing the Key and Value types

The Key and Value types are defined in types.go as interfaces. Users who need to use concrete types instead of interfaces can easily customize these by vendoring the package then redefine Key and Value in types.go. This file is dedicated to this purpose and should not change in future versions.