
Something about how to improve performance that I learned from MyFiles and other projects :)

Something about how to improve performance that I learned from MyFiles and other projects :)

🚀 Introduction

I think after 5 years worked in MyFiles team of SRV, I have learned more tricks about improve performance (mainly in Android development). So, I want to write it down not only save as a note for myself, but also I want to share with you these. Maybe, something you have known, or not. But I think you can pleasant, review and do not hesitate to give me some suggestions to make this repo really meaningfully. And one thing :) This repo was writtern by myself, when I got a strange feeling status after drinking more last night. Last night, my team have a self-celebrate year end party with current & old member. It's more happy and memorable. So, if you see this repo quite messy (I think it 😆), please do not blame me. Wish you happy when reading it, and help more overview before improve performance for anything. 😂


  • Mostly in this repo, mainly related to improve performance for load and retrieve data. The related part about improve performance in UI such as sluggish, ANR issues, etc. or related to others part like unit test and UI test, I will update it soon after learned and refered more about it.
  • One more thing, this repo does not include some data structures and algorithms (DSA) to maximum improve performance such as Trie, TreeSet, Disjoint Set, etc. Since these are method for only and only MyFiles, mean that it was using. I will provide these above DSA in later repo (or not, depends on my mood 😂).

📖 Details

✔️ Improve delete from Media Provider

  • Divider number of delete operation for each batch when call applyBatch().
  • Using set IN of id instead compare by name column.
  • Remember that before you use it method is each query clause has maximum window is 1MB (1,048,576 bytes). If each item in IN clause is Long type, it takes 8 bytes to save it. If it is String type, it has 4096 bytes for max value. So, for example Long type, you have max 131,072 target files can be passed to query clause. But, if it greater than 32,766, please batch it to more operation with less than 30,000 target files (except about 2000 for other operator clause before or after IN).

✔️ Optimize entry performance when open Analyze Storage first time

  • Move heavy task to background (Dispatchers.IO in viewModelScope).
  • Show loading view when executing heavy task.
  • After heavy task execute completed, turn off loading view and show load result.

✔️ Improve coroutine job get many bitmaps from Watch

  • Separate get one bitmap logic to a launch/async scope (load simultaneously).
  • Using joinAll() to join all job.

✔️ Check had any children in a directory

  • Instead using API list(), let using getDirectoryStream() of directory.
  • Check has any files by using directoryStream.iterator.hasNext().

✔️ Quickly create/mapping new list object

  • Using parallelStream() instead forEach() in list.
  • If has more than two collector, add it to a supplier object, flatMap() it or not, and using parallelStream() for list.

✔️ Load files from Media Provider

  • Always add necessary field to projection when query, instead put null value. It will be get all column (include unnecessary column).
  • Prioritize attach sortQuery to query string, instead sort result list after query completed.

✔️ Check and verify checked items

  • If you need to verify new name has existed or not before, using a HashSet to save all existed name. This will always be verified with O(1) complexity.
  • If you want to verify any item in list A has contained in list B, please convert list B to HashSet with id in Long type, and you can easily check by API contains().
  • Using HashMap when you want to perform verify and add operations at the same time.
  • Prioritize using id instead name when compare.

✔️ Compress and decompress files

  • Compress from cloud: open new input stream and read data without download to local.
  • Increase buffer size from 4KB to 64KB in order to improve compress/decompress time.
  • Using cache helper ConcurrentHashMap to save instance of ZipFile for avoid create two instances when open preview and decompress from preview.

✔️ Prevent spam calls to repository

  • Using StateFlow and collectLastest(), and then execute last emitted element, instead execute after each click.

✔️ Using StringBuilder to append/insert string instead using plus operator to concat string

✔️ Using SparseArray to replace HashMap if key is integer and increasing

  • Using append() instead put.
  • append is the method that puts a key/value pair into the array, optimizing for the case where the key is greater than all existing keys in the array. So, change order to optimize. Example: if the order of keys: 1, 2, 3, 4 => just add to end of sparse array (in O(1)). If the keys aren't increase order. ex: 1, 5, 2, 4, 3 => add to sparse array in O(N) (it's like insert to index).

✔️ Using SparseArray with correct type instead primitive type to better performance

  • Such as using SparseBooleanArray instead SparseArray. It does not need to check with object Boolean.

✔️ Using EnumMap to replace HashMap if map of objects is Enum class type

  • Same behavior like HashMap.
  • Using enum as key, does not call hashCode, so there is no collision happens.

✔️ Check shareable of many files

  • Using ThreadPool with max core processors. Each core has responsibility to process a sub list from original list (list size / max thread cores).
  • Using list Future to encapsulate this result and publish final result.

✔️ Load thumbnail/detail of many files

  • Create an array of HandlerThread with ready start().
  • Put an async load thumbnail info to each HandlerThread item in array and execute it.
  • Reloop from index 0 and continue to increase if index is exceeding length of array.
  • On handleMessage, using UIHandlerThread, get info (result after executed by HandlerThread above) by fileId from UIWorkMap and update it to main thread.
  • Max available thread was calculated by formula Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2.

✔️ Replace file.isHidden() to file.getName().charAt(0) to avoid converting cursor when searching

✔️ Calculate number records from cursor

  • Attach projection COUNT(_id_) and cursor.getInt(0), instead attach null project and cursor.getCount().

✔️ Define number items to constructor of collection such as ArrayList, HashMap to avoid growing size during add item.

  • When convert a collection to other collection, and you know correct size of first collection.

✔️ Get file with condition about mime type

  • Instead get all mime types from all files, you should use loop to check mime type of each file and put to HashSet in order to distinct this list.
  • Loop all of mime types in HashSet instead all of duplicated mime types, and append it for query clause.

✔️ Remove Log in loop

  • Remove log in loop can be reduce performance when iterating inside a loop.

✔️ Prevent using file.exist() because it's very expensive call

  • Can use it after do operation like as renameTo, instead check as a pre-action.

✔️ Reduce unnecessary call get data in loop

  • Prepare get list or large data variable outside loop, and use it, instead get it on each step of loop.

✔️ Add key/params for refresh or sync data when you need, not always

  • Avoid call many request to Repository/DAO: using one call to insert/delete a list, instead call each request for an insert/delete command (if posible).

✔️ Sync and update file database only when Media Provider change

  • Save preference key for last sync time and check for next time.
  • Media Provider changed when has count of id and sum of id changed when compare to previous saved value.
  • This above way is deprecated, please using MediaStore.getGeneration() to get last generation changed.

✔️ Cache cursor when query if raw record is large than MAX_LIMIT_RAW (10000 ~ 20000)

  • Check if cursor.getCount() is large than MAX_LIMIT_RAW.
  • If this value is large, please check MAX_WINDOW_SIZE - this is number of elements was combine by row and column index.
  • If this window size is equals or higher than MAX_WINDOW_SIZE, please using a MatrixCursor to clone it and save it to a cache cursor.
  • Using it for call later. And if possible, please using a SparseArray of FileInfoConverter with cursor as a param to convert file from cache if you still performs search on a lifecycle.

✔️ Using CancellationSignal when query from ContentResolver

  • Cancel previous query if user continues make new query.
  • If you have new request query, please check previous cancellation signal is existed or not => If existed, cancel() it and set to null. Then, create new CancellationSignal for new request.
  • If you have many session, please using SparseArray cancellationSignalMap with sessionId to manage it and cancel corresponding.

✔️ Separate to more item if necessary, such as separate single RecyclerAdapter to more RecyclerAdapter for proper purpose.

✔️ Check currentVersion in local is different with version from server before update or load.

  • Using a intermediate variable, it prevents unnecessary call to server to check version if you are in a session.

✔️ Using AtomicBoolean to check and compare a task is during execute, before execute other task

  • Using compareAndSet to check, hold and set.

✔️ Using REGEX instead LIKE when search file extension

  • Instead using LIKE operator (example: _display_name LIKE '%.HTML' OR _display_name LIKE '%.PDF'), please using (_display_name REGEXP ('(?i).*\.(%s)$')).
  • %s in below query is set of file extensions that you need, you can collect it by using stream operator for list extensions and join it to a String.

✔️ Avoid call many request to Media Provider only retrieve some value like SUM, COUNT, etc.

  • You should request only one query, and select your return values you need under a cursor, and then collect it.

✔️ Cache data if possible, avoid query again many times

✔️ Remove call of unnecessary DAO on post execute after delete

  • Using flag to force update LocalFolderChangedDao and directly access to Downloads folder, instead using DownloadFileInfoDao.

✔️ Using static variable to init cache, and only init it once to avoid bind more time

✔️ Apply RecycledViewPool to recycle view holder in RecyclerView and improve performance

  • Learn more about it

✔️ Remove itemAnimator to improve performnance in RecyclerView

  • Learn more about it

✔️ Re-create uniqueId for trash folder after clear trash files

  • After clear trash file, folder of trash is not existed. And next time, user execute move to trash operation, it will generate new uniqueId => It takes a bit more time.
  • So, please update and regenerate a new uniqueId after clear trash file. On next time, if user execute new move to trash operation, it has no taken time to generate uniqueId. It will be retrieved from SharedPreferences.

✔️ Using decodeRegion for PNG instead decodeFileDescriptor

  • decodeRegion is good when you create thumbnail for PNG, since it reduce load time and total usage memory.
  • decodeFileDescriptor is good for JPG, JPEG, instead decodeRegion.

✔️ Move null-check to outside the loop

  • If possible, please move null-check to outside the loop. It can be repository or anything which is not always check null.

✔️ Lazy loading for layout

  • Using AsyncLayoutInflater (Learn more about it).
  • Using ViewStub to inflate view whenever you want or by corresponding condition, instead always appears in your layout.
  • Lazy set visibility for unnecessary view, it usually is not essential view and can be shown after main view was appeared.
  • Using keyword by lazy when create any view. It will be created on the first time called.

✔️ Check and cancel previous task if you request new task

  • It has same behavior with the way you use StateFlow to prevent spam clicks, but it should be understood that you need a Atomic variable to check if current task is loading or not, or loadSession, or loadExecutionId, or anything you found to define the previous task is executing.
  • If previous task is running, return false to cancel display new result from new task.

✔️ Pre-initialization some huge task in Application class

  • Some huge task can mention that FileGenerator (generator file info set), PageStore (save page type, related class and id of fragment will be replaced), Repository (repository data for each type and each screen page), Resources (contains thumbnail, dummy file, reference to resources, etc.) and some pre-init such as app folder, feature variables, configurations, etc.

✔️ Do not update with obvious views

  • Some view likes Internal Storage in folder tree, it always has child item, so do not need check sub item count for this. Just only check is mounted or not.

✔️ Restrict declaration and initialization in constructor

  • Some repository you do not need use it immediately upon initializing the object. Instead, you can use it as needed or lazily initialize it through the interface which is maintained by a RepositoryHolder.
  • For example, if you pass 2 repositories via AsyncLoadViewInfoManager, it has long time to initialize these 2 repositories. Instead, create a RepositoryHolder class with holding AsyncLoadViewRepositoryInterface with 2 methods to get repository from this manager class. But, do not forget to check existed and synchronized it to avoid create many times and conflict.

✔️ Increase buffer size to transfer more data volume and reduce number of system calls

  • Increase buffer size from 4KB to 64KB or 2MB for buffer array. It makes call read(buffer) from InputStream faster.
  • However, proper buffer size was defined by system. If you increase buffer size without system consultation, you probably will not get the results you expected. But, as I research, it recommends using 2 - 8KB when the data is accessed from network, or 32 - 64KB when it's from hard drive.

✔️ Using groupBy and check size of group to avoid put invalid group to result map

  • If you are handling the result of duplicated files, with group has size is lower than 2 items (can not duplicated), please using groupBy when stream list and then using forEach to check size of group before put to result map.
  • This operator proved effective when reduce redundant check predicate.

✔️ Change method to calculate size inside Downloads folder

  • Instead using listFiles() API and recursive to calculate size of this folder, please using external.db provided by MediaProvider and query from it.
  • First, please check mime_type IS NOT NULL and _data LIKE ?.
  • In ?, please attach your folder like that: fullPath + File.separatorChar + '%' to query all files inside this folder.
  • Using ContentResolver for query this uri MediaStore.Files.getContentUri(MediaStore.VOLUME_EXTERNAL), and then add selection "SUM(" + MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.SIZE + ')'. The long value you get from column index 0 is total size of this folder you need.

✔️ Update necessary item if only it has changed

  • Instead request update all recommend cards after uninstalled any app, you can only update app cards and update it to RecyclerView by notifyItemChanged.
  • Notice that do not forget remove old app card before insert and update new card.
  • To more improve, if old card is not existed in RecyclerView, please skip to update for it.

✔️ Change the order of the conditions in the if statement as appropriate

  • If you have more than one condition to check in if statement and these separated by || or && operator, please change the order of these so that specific conditions are checked later to avoid checking multiple times.
  • For example in MyFiles, if you set loading false (is a LiveData variable) by condition to check usedSize > 0 after usageDetailData (is also a LiveData variable) retrieved size of storages success, it has issue if state of SD Card storage is unmounted (because it is unmounted, and it can not has usedSize). So, you added an condition to check it if you encounter this case (DomainType.isSd(domainType) && StorageVolumeManager.unmounted(domainType)) || usedSize > 0. It is okay, but please see again to this condition, you are always calling method to check unmounted state of SD Card, this is redundant. So for an improved performance condition, please move this to back. This new condition is usedSize > 0 || (DomainType.isSd(domainType) && StorageVolumeManager.unmounted(domainType)), and you can not have multiple unnecessary call.

✔️ Load partial data instead load full data in once

✔️ updating