Utilities for use with openHAB
This script is interactive and will prompt for input. It requires to be executed from the addons directory on the openHAB server, using the same account that runs openHAB. After downloading, be sure to set the permissions so that it can be executed (chmod u+x zzManualInstall.sh
), or run it with bash zzManualInstall.sh
. At this time, there is very little error checking in the case of a failure in the script, so you should verify that it has run successfully when it completes, i.e. run list -s | grep -i zig
in Karaf. This script can:
- Download and manually install/upgrade the current snapshot or development Zigbee binding, with a chosen version of the ZsmartSystems libraries
- Download and manually install/upgrade the snapshot or development version of the Z-Wave binding
- Uninstall existing versions of the bindings. If they were manually installed, the jars are first backed up.
- Install openhab-transport-serial
If you would prefer to not use the menu driven interface, you can use it from the commandline. This is useful if you would like to execute it from a rule. Currently, only installs/upgrades can be performed when running from commandline.
Here is the output of zzManualInstal.sh --help
This script is capable of downloading and manually installing the latest development or master branch builds of the Z-Wave and Zigbee bindings, and/or the openhab-transport-serial
feature. The script must reside inside the addons folder and be executed on the machine running OH. Before a binding is installed, any previous versions will be
uninstalled. Any manually installed versions will also be backed up by moving them to addons/archive. The installation of any binding will also include the installation
of the opemnhab-transport-serial feature. After using this script, you can uninstall the bindings by deleting their jars from addons or you can use this script.
!!!!! If you have manually added the Zigbee or Z-Wave binding to your addons.cfg file, they must be removed from the file or the old version will reinstall !!!!!
Usage: zzManualInstaller.sh [OPTION]...
If executed without the ACTION argument, menus will be displayed for each option
--ACTION Accepted values: zigbee, zwave, both. Specify which bindings to install/upgrade.
--ZWAVE_BRANCH Accepted values: development, master. Default: master. Specify the development or master branch for Z-Wave.
--ZIGBEE_BRANCH Accepted values: development, master. Default: master. Specify the development or master branch for Zigbee.
--ZSMARTSYSTEMS_VERSION Default: latest version, based on selected branch. Specify the version of the ZSmartSystems libraries.
--KARAF_ACCOUNT Default: openhab. Specify an account for the Karaf SSH login.
--HELP Display this help and exit
Here is how to install/upgrade the development Z-Wave binding from commandline...
bash zzManualInstall.sh --ACTION zwave --ZWAVE_BRANCH development
This script is interactive and will prompt for input. It will perform a full backup of a manual installation (single directory), and then perform an upgrade. This may be obsolete, since there are official backup and restore scripts, but I haven't looked through them yet.