
Golang struct tag parser that builds a Viper/pflag configuration based on the tags

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Venom - Declarative golang configuration using Viper and Pflag


The Viper and Pflag projects provide a diverse and fairly complete set of capabilities to provide application configuration. Unfortunately, providing the boilerplate code to set up the application configuration, especially in the simply cases, can be daunting.

The Venom project was conceived to provide a straight forward, declarative mechanism to specify application configuration and a function to convert that declarative specification to Viper and Pflag configuration options at runtime.

Declarative Specification

The Venom project leverages GoLang's structure tag capability to allow application configuration to be declared as tags against a structure that is used to capature the application configuration options. The design of the Venom is such that a minimal set of structure tags should be required and that in most cases only a default value may need to be specified as in the following example.`

type MyConfiguration struct {
        Verbose        bool
        LogLevel       string        `default:"warn"`
        RequestTimeout time.Duration `default:"5s"`

Available Structure Tags

When processing structure with tags the following tags are available. Any structure field that is not public, begins with a lower case letter, will be skipped and not processed.

long or l long:"field-name" struct member name, broken based on CamelCase, separated, and lower cased the long flag name used to set the configuration option
short or s short:"c" none the character used for the short flag to set the configuraiton option
default or d default:"5s" zero value the default value for the argument represented as a string
env or e env:"FIELD_NAME" struct member name, broken based on CamelCase, separated, and upper cased the environment variable used to set the configuration option
help or h help:"help message" none the help message to display for the command argument
ignored ignored:"true" false if true will not establish configuration for the struct member

Processing Options

The following structure is used to customize the processing of structure tags

type ProcessingOptions struct {
    Flags         Flags
    LongSeparator string
    EnvSeparator  string

The Flags field is used to determine if the tag parser should generate bindings to environment variables, WithEnv, and/or flags, WithFlag.

The separator used when generating environment variables and long flags names can be customized using the EnvSeparator and LongSeparator fields.

A "sane" default for processing options is defined for use and is set to

var DefaultOptions = ProcessingOptions{
    Flags:         WithEnv | WithFlag,
    LongSeparator: "-",
    EnvSeparator:  "_",


It is important to note that this utility does not try to obfiscate the underlying packages and is meant as a utility to build the underlying structures needed by those packages. As such the code that uses this module will also need to use viper/pflag calls to retrieve the command line options.

package main

import (


// Config defines a configuration structure with tags to define defaults
// and help strings
type Config struct {
	Time          time.Duration `default:"5s" help:"pick a time"`
	SomeString    string        `default:"hello" help:"some message"`
	MySpecialBool bool          `default:"true" help:"a bool defaulted to true"`
	MyNormalBool  bool          `default:"false" help:"a bool defaulted to false"`

func main() {
	var err error

	// Build a pflags struct based on the config structure and its tags.
	// The environment variables will be prefixed with "TEST" and the
	// default options are being used.
	flags, err := venom.NewConfiguration(&Config{}, "TEST",
		venom.DefaultOptions, os.Args)
	if err != nil {

	// Depending if there are command line argument pass those arguments
	// to the pflags module to parse
	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		err = flags.Parse(os.Args[1:])
	} else {
		err = flags.Parse([]string{})
	if err != nil {
		// If err, (not h
		if err == pflag.ErrHelp {
			// Help request, exit

	// Unmarshal the config options into a structure for
	// ease of access
	config := Config{}
	if err := viper.Unmarshal(&config); err != nil {

	// Display the configuration as JSON
	if bytes, err := json.MarshalIndent(&config, "", "  "); err != nil {
	} else {