
XDebug and Zend Debugger PHP CLI debugging helper console command with PhpStorm, NetBeans support

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XDebug PHP CLI debugging helper console command with PhpStorm, NetBeans support

Installation steps

  1. Donwload file into ~/.phpdebug. Run following command:
    curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/torinaki/phpdebug-cli/master/phpdebug.sh > ~/.phpdebug
  2. Put following lines into ~/.bashrc :
    # Get the aliases and functions
    if [ -f ~/.phpdebug ]; then
        . ~/.phpdebug
  3. (optional) Script will try to autodetect your machine IP where runs IDE or use otherwise. If automatic detection doesn't work for you, set ip directly via IDE_IP enviroment variable:
    export IDE_IP=
  4. (optional) Change ports if it not same as default (see local variables zend_debugger_config and xdebug_config);
   export IDE_ZEND_PORT=10137
   export IDE_ZDEBUG_PORT=9000
  1. (optional) Change IDE specific configuration: serverName, idekey
   export IDE_SERVERNAME="Any_server_name"
   export IDE_KEY="PHPSTORM"
  1. Run use it immediately or just restart terminal:
   source ~/.bashrc


  1. After installation use phpdebug/phpdebugoff commands to start/stop debugging:
  $ phpdebug
  $ php ./script1_to_debug.php
  $ php ./script2_to_debug.php
  $ phpdebugoff
  1. Or simply use instead of php command to debug only one script
  $ phpdebug -dmemory_limit=1G ./script_to_debug.php

Configuration options

You can use evniroment variables to change default configurations

export IDE_ZEND_PORT=10137
export IDE_XDEBUG_PORT=9000
export IDE_SERVERNAME="$(hostname)"
# SSH client IP will be autodetected by default
export IDE_IP=""