
A template for Advent of Code in Rust

Primary LanguageRust


This is a template for easier implementations of Advent of Code in Rust.

Some of the features of thist template include:

  • The Solution trait that abstracts some of the boilerplate for each task.
  • Utilities to automatically download the puzzle inputs.
  • A copy and modify flow for quick day setup.

General setup

  1. Install Rust
  2. Clone this Repo
  3. (Optional) go to src/aoc/data.rs and change the year

Running day_00

I've used day_00 as a test day and show examples of how to use the flow.

Running the whole task

cargo run --bin day_00 -- <options>

This command builds and runs day_00 on input dependent on <options>. When day_00 is ran the input is parsed and the answers for both parts are shown.

  • if <options> are empty input is read from stdin
  • if --file <file> is passed input is read from the <file>
  • if --example is passed, the example input for the corresponsing day is downloaded, saved in .cache/ and passed as input.
  • if --real is passed, the puzzle input for hte corresponding day is downloaded, saved in .cache/ and passed as input. If a user session isn't found in .cache you are prompted to provide it and after that it's saved.

Running tests

cargo test day_00_tests

This command runs the tests in the day_00_tests module. You can also use cargo test to run all tests.

Day setup

  1. Copy src/bin/day_00.rs to src/bin/day_##.rs.
  2. Update the name of the struct and all mentions in your new file.
  3. Change DAY_NUMBER and possibly SolutionResult if the output isn't an integer.