
Elixir EEx and HTML (EEx) code snippets.

MIT LicenseMIT

EEx snippets

This extension contains code snippets for Elixir .eex and .html.eex files for VS Code editor.


Supported languages (file extensions)

  • EEx (.eex)
  • HTML (EEx) (.html.eex)


Below is a list of all available snippets.


Trigger Content
e= render block <%= %>
or e-
exec block <% %>
e# comment <%# %>
end end tag <% end %>
lt link <%= link "${1:text}", to: ${2:url} %>
ltb link block
<%= link to: ${1:url} do %>
<% end %>"
render render <%= render "${1:partial}.html", ${2:local_var: @local} %>

Control flow

Trigger Content
for for <%= for $1 <- $1 do %>
if if <%= if $1 do %>
ife if else <%= if $1 do %> <% else %>
cond cond <%= cond do %>
unless unless <%= unless $1 do %>


Trigger Content
ff form_for <%= form_for @${1:changeset}, ${2:url}, ${3:[]}, fn f -> %>
et form error <%= error_tag ${1:f}, :${2:field} %>
la form label <%= label ${1:f}, :${2:field}, "${3:Text}" %>
ti form text input <%= text_input ${1:f}, :${2:field} %>
pi form password input <%= password_input ${1:f}, :${2:field} %>
subm form submit <%= submit ${1:Text} %>
submc form submit with class <%= submit ${1:Text}, class: "${3:btn btn-primary}" %>

Release Notes

Please read the CHANGELOG to see what has changed in this extension over time.

Known Issues

Not really an issue but I wanted the e=, e-, e# snippets to be just a =, -, #, but they didn't trigger on these special characters so had to prepend them with e letter.


Graciously borrowed some of the snippets from the phoenix-elixir-snippets for Atom and refactored them to work with VS Code.


git clone https://github.com/stefanjarina/vscode-eex-snippets

And copy the vscode-eex-snippets folder into the <user home>/.vscode/extensions folder. Restart Code.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Stefan jarina