
Chrome/Firefox plugin to add Harvest buttons on tickets in Jira, GitHub, GitLab, and more

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Harvest Issue Board Plugin

This extension adds a Harvest time tracking button for Jira, Zammad, GitHub, and GitLab issues (active sprints page, issue page). No synchronization to the webpage is done, all data stays in Harvest.


Select the ticket, then click on the extension icon in the upper right corner. A popup will open where you can specify project and task and set the desired starting time (which defaults to now). A permanent link to the selected issue will be added to the Harvest item automatically.

Earlier versions of this plugin displayed a time tracking button on Jira — this got removed. Details.

Why this project was started

The official harvest-jira integration is done via a Jira plugin — which might not be possible or desirable in some cases (for example you don't have an admin account on your client's Jira instance).



Install the development version

  • Get the code:
    • Either clone this repo (git clone git@github.com:ipmb/gr-harvest-helper.git)
    • Or download as a zip and unzip it (https://github.com/ipmb/gr-harvest-helper/archive/master.zip)
  • Go to Chrome's extensions page (chrome://extensions/)
  • Disable the Chrome Store version of this extension (if installed)
  • Enable developer mode via the toggle in the top right
  • Click on "Load unpacked" (top left button) and choose the folder of the cloned repo

Extracting Harvest Platform source

The app stores don't allow add-ons that link to third-party JavaScript. They also don't allow unobfuscated JavaScript without the source. extract_harvest_source.sh will extract the original source JavaScript from Harvest's source maps and apply a patch so it runs as-is. The result is saved to src/vendor/harvestPlatform.js.

The value for HarvestPlatformStylesheet in that file is a little trickier to extract. Currently this can be used to pull it out of the minimized JS:

$ curl https://platform.harvestapp.com/assets/platform.js | grep 'stylesheet:`' | awk -F 'stylesheet:`' '{print $2}' | npx prettier --stdin-filepath platform.css

Assuming you get valid CSS from that, it needs to be pasted as the value for HarvestPlatformStylesheet in src/vendor/harvestPlatform.js.

New Maintainer

This extension was created by Grey Rook GmbH and is no longer maintained. Lincoln Loop forked the code to add GitHub support and make it compatible with current Chrome Web Store requirements.