
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Barretenberg, an optimized elliptic curve library for the bn128 curve, and PLONK SNARK prover

This code is highly experimental, use at your own risk!

The structured reference string contains monomials up to x^{2^20}. This SRS was generated locally and is for testing and development purposes only!


  • cmake >= 3.16
  • clang >= 10 or gcc >= 10
  • clang-format
  • libomp (if multithreading is required. Multithreading can be disabled using the compiler flag -DMULTITHREADING 0)

Installing openMP (Linux)

RUN git clone -b release/10.x --depth 1 https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git \
  && cd llvm-project && mkdir build-openmp && cd build-openmp \
  && cmake --build . --parallel \
  && cmake --build . --parallel --target install \
  && cd ../.. && rm -rf llvm-project

Getting started

Run the bootstrap script. (The bootstrap script will build both the native and wasm versions of barretenberg)

cd cpp

Parallelise the build

Use the --parallel option to cmake --build <path> to parallelize builds. This is roughly equivalent to make -j$(nproc) but is more portable.


Code is formatted using clang-format and the ./format.sh script which is called via a git pre-commit hook. If you've installed the C++ Vscode extension you should configure it to format on save.


Each module has its own tests. e.g. To build and run ecc tests:

cmake --build . --parallel --target ecc_tests

A shorthand for the above is:

cmake --build . --parallel --target run_ecc_tests

Running the entire suite of tests using ctest:

cmake --build . --parallel --target test

You can run specific tests, e.g.

./bin/ecc_tests --gtest_filter=scalar_multiplication.*


Some modules have benchmarks. The build targets are named <module_name>_bench. To build and run, for example ecc benchmarks.

cmake --build . --parallel --target ecc_bench

A shorthand for the above is:

cmake --build . --parallel --target run_ecc_bench

CMake Build Options

CMake can be passed various build options on it's command line:

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug | Release | RelWithAssert: Build types.
  • -DDISABLE_ASM=ON | OFF: Enable/disable x86 assembly.
  • -DDISABLE_ADX=ON | OFF: Enable/disable ADX assembly instructions (for older cpu support).
  • -DMULTITHREADING=ON | OFF: Enable/disable multithreading using OpenMP.
  • -DTESTING=ON | OFF: Enable/disable building of tests.
  • -DBENCHMARK=ON | OFF: Enable/disable building of benchmarks.
  • -DTOOLCHAIN=<filename in ./cmake/toolchains>: Use one of the preconfigured toolchains.
  • -DFUZZING=ON | OFF: Enable building various fuzzers.

WASM build

To build:

mkdir build-wasm && cd build-wasm
cmake -DTOOLCHAIN=wasm-linux-clang ..
cmake --build . --parallel --target barretenberg.wasm

The resulting wasm binary will be at ./build-wasm/bin/barretenberg.wasm.

To run the tests, you'll need to install wasmtime.

curl https://wasmtime.dev/install.sh -sSf | bash

Tests can be built and run like:

cmake --build . --parallel --target ecc_tests
wasmtime --dir=.. ./bin/ecc_tests

Fuzzing build

To build:

mkdir build-fuzzing && cd build-fuzzing
cmake -DTOOLCHAIN=x86_64-linux-clang -DFUZZING=ON ..
cmake --build . --parallel

Fuzzing build turns off building tests and benchmarks, since they are incompatible with libfuzzer interface.

To turn on address sanitizer add -DADDRESS_SANITIZER=ON. Note that address sanitizer can be used to explore crashes. Sometimes you might have to specify the address of llvm-symbolizer. You have to do it with export ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=<PATH_TO_SYMBOLIZER>. For undefined behaviour sanitizer -DUNDEFINED_BEHAVIOUR_SANITIZER=ON. Note that the fuzzer can be orders of magnitude slower with ASan (2-3x slower) or UBSan on, so it is best to run a non-sanitized build first, minimize the testcase and then run it for a bit of time with sanitizers.