D-KMP Architecture official sample: it uses a shared KMP ViewModel and Navigation for Compose and SwiftUI apps.
- 3
Update Kotlin and dependencies
#33 opened by pahill - 9
D-KMP-sample-main:composeApp:DesktopMain DKMPViewModel.Factory.getDesktopInstance() unresolved
#32 opened by mylockerbiz - 3
D-KMP-sample gradle sync issue org.jetbrains.kotlin.konan.target.KonanTarget$IOS_ARM32
#31 opened by mylockerbiz - 1
Add composeApp/build folder to .gitignore
#29 opened by b0r1ngx - 1
"Jvm target compatibility should be set to the same Java version" build error
#23 opened by sergejsha - 1
Result from other view/state
#21 opened by MvandeRuitenbeek - 7
Navigation appears to be broken on iOS
#12 opened by MstrCamp - 5
- 1
slowness in opening the project
#18 opened by samucati - 1
First run not working
#17 opened by Verdant90 - 1
Could not resolve ktor-client-js
#19 opened by lukasz-kalnik-gcx - 2
Bad Gateway trying to get compose runtime
#20 opened by m-nogas - 2
Ios could not see getIosInstance()
#22 opened by mehmetakify - 1
Could not initialize class org.jetbrains.kotlin.com.intellij.pom.java.LanguageLevel
#16 opened by schrulnz - 2
Some doubts
#15 opened by samucati - 0
- 10
iOS Native App
#6 opened by adesugbaa - 1
- 3
[Deprecated] Remove jcenter
#8 opened by YektaDev - 1
- 5
App not working for android < 26.
#5 opened by raghavpai - 4
- 2
- 2
- 1
Plans to include web version
#1 opened by iruizmar