
Support for directory alias

Opened this issue · 5 comments

What happened

I tried to run the test with test.bat in this project.
The test that should be run is this:

define [
  ], (TodoModel, TodoView) ->

    describe 'TodoView', ->
      it 'should be toggleable', ->
        testTodoView = new TodoView({
          'model': new TodoModel({
            'id': 0,
            'done': false,
            'title': 'Test'


Mimosa watch -s compiles it fine, however, testem Runner errors out:

Uncaught Error: Script error for: j/app/views/items/Todo
http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror at http://localhost:7357/.mimo
sa/testemRequire/require.min.js, line 8
Uncaught Error: Script error for: j/app/models/Todo
http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror at http://localhost:7357/.mimo
sa/testemRequire/require.min.js, line 8

What I expected to happen

Mimosa should run the test and return true.


I think this is caused by baseUrl in combination of directory aliases.

This is the config for test-variables.js:

  "baseUrl": "/js",
  "paths": {
    "app": "app",
    "backbone": "vendor/backbone/backbone",
    "backbone.babysitter": "vendor/backbone.babysitter/backbone.babysitter",
    "backbone.localstorage": "vendor/backbone.localstorage/backbone.localStorage",
    "backbone.marionette": "vendor/backbone.marionette/backbone.marionette",
    "backbone.wreqr": "vendor/backbone.wreqr/backbone.wreqr",
    "css": "vendor/require-css/css",
    "handlebars": "vendor/handlebars/handlebars",
    "hbs": "vendor/require-hbs/hbs",
    "jquery": "vendor/jquery/jquery",
    "require": "vendor/requirejs/require",
    "semantic": "vendor/semantic/semantic",
    "text": "vendor/require-text/text",
    "underscore": "vendor/underscore/underscore",
    "j": "../javascripts",
    "c": "../stylesheets",
    "t": "../templates/"
  "shim": {
    "app": {
      "exports": "app"
    "backbone": {
      "deps": [
    "backbone.babysitter": {
      "deps": [
    "backbone.localstorage": {
      "deps": [
    "backbone.marionette": {
      "deps": [
      "exports": "Marionette"
    "handlebars": {
      "exports": "Handlebars"
    "semantic": {
      "deps": [
      "exports": "semantic"
    "underscore": {
      "deps": [],
      "exports": "_"
  "ui": "bdd"

As far as I know, baseUrl does currently not work together with directory alias in Mimosa.

This one will take some time to play around with.

Could you push a satisfy branch with this all set up so I can dig in? Might not be for a few days.

You could check mimosa-marionette, it's all set up there. 👍

How's it going?

It's not. Working some other mimosa relate stuff at the moment before digging into require support in a big way.

You are welcome to help out.