
Weird logging with Ember.js and Require.js

Closed this issue ยท 5 comments

Anything I can do to get rid of these annoying messages?

screen shot 2014-10-15 at 2 58 50 pm

Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ‘

Ember has it's own little internal module system and that is tripping you up.

If ember was inside your vendor directory, as defined in your mimosa config, it would stop doing that.

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On 2014-10-15 11:03:36 +0000 Paul Knittel notifications@github.com wrote:

Anything I can do to get rid of these annoying messages?

screen shot 2014-10-15 at 2 58 50 pm

Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ‘

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This may be a good excuse to whip up a derequire module, eh @brzpegasus? ;)

That wouldn't be a bad idea. I know they were trying to address this issue for 1.8 by running derequire on Ember itself so this wouldn't be a problem anymore. But the derequire module could still be helpful for anyone unable to upgrade. Wait, was I just volunteered? =)

Lol, not really, however, it would probably be easy to whip together.

If I wasn't banging my head against sass source maps...

So as of the latest Ember, Ember 1.8, the defines and requires have been removed and replaced with enifeds and eriuqers.

Given that, I think I'll close this out. mimosa-require won't ding internal defines when they aren't defines anymore. =)

If you (or anyone else) can't upgrade, let me know and I'll look at putting a derequire module together.