- This repository builds the opni-insights image which sets up an HTTP server. It sets up endpoints for many different insights between any time interval.
- Breakdown of normal, suspicious and anomalous log message by pod, namespace, workload and control plane component through the insights_breakdown endpoint
- Overall breakdown of normal, suspicious and anomalous log messages through the overall_insights endpoint.
- Breakdown of number of anomalies by workload and control plane logs through the anomalies_breakdown endpoint.
- Log messages of an anomaly level (normal, suspicious or anomaly) that are broken down by pod, namespace, workload and control plane components.
- Get log messages for a specific pod, namespace and anomaly level through the logs_pod endpoint.
- Get log messages for a specific namespace and anomaly level through the logs_namespace endpoint.
- Get log messages for a specific workload and anomaly level through the logs_workload endpoint.
- Get log messages for a control plane component and anomaly level through the logs_control_plane endpoint.
- Areas of interest based on the number of anomalies per minute through the areas_of_interest endpoint.
- Peak detection based on the number of anomalies per minute through the peaks endpoint.
kubectl apply -f rbac.yaml
- To try out the opni-insights-service, you can first port-forward the service.
kubectl port-forward svc/opni-insights-service 8000:80
These are the specified parameters for each of the endpoints
- insights_breakdown: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer)
- overall_insights: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer), granularity_level (string) in the format of number and unit (ex: 1 hour is 1h, 10 minutes is 10m)
- anomalies_breakdown: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer)
- logs_pod: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer), anomaly_level (string), pod_name (string), namespace_name (string), scroll_id (string, Optional)
- logs_namespace: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer), anomaly_level (string), namespace_name (string), scroll_id (string, Optional)
- logs_workload: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer), anomaly_level (string), namespace_name (string), workload_type (string), workload_name (string), scroll_id (string, Optional)
- logs_control_plane: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer), anomaly_level (string), control_plane_component (string), scroll_id (string, Optional)
- areas_of_interest: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer)
- peaks: start_ts (integer), end_ts (integer)
Then, send a get request to the endpoint to fetch insight data on pods, namespaces, workloads, logs or overall insights and specify the starting and ending time intervals to query that data from.
For example, to fetch the overall breakdown of log messages between the timestamps 1638402415000 and 1642402415000 with a granularity of 1 hour, you can run this command to make a Get request to the workload endpoint:
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8000/overall_insights?start_ts=1638402415000&end_ts=1642402415000&granularity_level=1h' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
- To fetch log messages of specified anomaly level ANOMALY_LEVEL for a pod POD_NAME within a specified namespace NAMESPACE_NAME between a starting and ending timestamp, you can run this command to make a Get request to the logs endpoint which will fetch 100 logs.
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8000/logs?start_ts=1631794584000&end_ts=1631855784000&anomaly_level=ANOMALY_LEVEL&namespace_name=NAMESPACE_NAME&pod_name=POD_NAME' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
In addition to returning 100 log messages as part of the current page, it will also return a scroll_id which can be used to access subsequent pages of log messages.
- To fetch log messages for a pod POD_NAME within a specified namespace NAMESPACE_NAME between a starting and ending timestamp and with a specified scroll_id, you can run this command to make a Get request to the logs endpoint which will fetch the next 100 logs from the reference of the scroll_id.
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8000/logs?start_ts=1631794584000&end_ts=1631855784000&anomaly_level=ANOMALY_LEVEL&namespace_name=NAMESPACE_NAME&pod_name=POD_NAME&scroll_id=SCROLL_ID' --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
We use pre-commit
for formatting auto-linting and checking import. Please refer to installation to install the pre-commit or run pip install pre-commit
. Then you can activate it for this repo. Once it's activated, it will lint and format the code when you make a git commit. It makes changes in place. If the code is modified during the reformatting, it needs to be staged manually.
# Install
pip install pre-commit
# Install the git commit hook to invoke automatically every time you do "git commit"
pre-commit install
# (Optional)Manually run against all files
pre-commit run --all-files