
fix broken torrent download files !.ut

Primary LanguageC


fix broken torrent download files !.ut

When uTorrent 2.2..1 crash or interrupted it sometime produces broken downloaded files (all files downloaded completely, but split into 2 files: filename.ext and filename.ext.!ut partial files)

This tool fix (or accuratekly: combine the content) of those files. After fixup, the *.!ut files can be discarded

To build the tool, simply compile fixut.c with borland's bcc 5: bcc32 fixut.c

source code included, you may modify it as you wish.


Version: 0.0.1
Created: 2008.07.22
Revised: 2011.09.18

Compiled with Borland's BCC version 5.5.1 (Freeware)

    Fix broken torrent's downloaded files.

    fixut.exe [ filename ] ...

    filename: one or more files to be fixed
    - must be a real filename, not a wildcard
    - must have had the corresponding *.!ut file
      after processing, the *.!ut files can be safely discarded

    C:\> fixut.exe somefile.bin secondfile.dat third.rar
    C:\> for %f in (*.zip) do fixut.exe "%f"

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