
Twitch bot that gather information and store it in a DB.

Primary LanguagePython


ScrappyTwitch is a Python application that acts as a Twitch bot, gathering information about online streamers and storing it in a database.

ScrappyTwitch Logo

Table of Contents


  • Python (>=3.12)
  • Poetry
  • Twitch API Client ID and Secret
  • MongoDB


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/dbatalha/ScrappyTwitch.git
    cd ScrappyTwitch
  2. Install project dependencies using Poetry:

    poetry install


  1. Obtain Twitch API credentials:

  2. Configure the application:

    • Edit the file "scrappy_bot/resources/config.ini"":
    • Replace the {CLIENT_ID} with your application key and secret;
    client_id = {CLIENT_ID}
    client_secret = {CLIENT_SECRET}
    grant_type = client_credentials
    mongodb_connection = {CONNECTION}


Run the ScrappyTwitch application:

python start.py