An Alamofire based request manager that serializes requests to the AWS S3 (Amazon Simple Storage Solution).
also includes a request serializer that creates NSURLRequest
objects for use with any other networking methods.
- Request Serialization
- Response Validation
- Amazon S3 Response Error Parsing
- Access Control List (ACL) Management
- Support for Amazon S3 Subresources
- Support for Amazon S3 Storage Classes
- Comprehensive Unit Test Coverage
- Complete Documentation
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.
To integrate AmazonS3RequestManager into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
// For Swift 2.0
pod 'AmazonS3RequestManager', '~> 0.10'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
First create an instance of the manager.
let amazonS3Manager = AmazonS3RequestManager(bucket: myAmazonS3Bucket,
region: .USStandard,
accessKey: myAmazonS3AccessKey,
secret: myAmazonS3Secret)
Getting Objects as Response Objects:
Saving Objects To File:
let destination: NSURL = NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLsForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomains: .UserDomainMask)[0]
amazonS3Manager.downloadObject("myFolder/fileName.jpg", saveToURL: destination)
let fileURL: NSURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: "pathToMyObject")
amazonS3Manager.putObject(fileURL, destinationPath: "pathToSaveObjectTo/fileName.jpg")
includes a custom data response serializer that parses errors from the Amazon S3 Service.
.responseS3Data { (response) -> Void in
// Handle Response Data or Error
provides simple APIs for getting and setting ACLs on buckets and objects.
You can retrieve the ACLs for the current bucket set on the request manager with a GET
or for an object in the bucket with a GET
amazonS3Manager.getACL(forObjectAtPath: "myFolder/fileName.jpg")
You can set the ACLs on the current bucket with a PUT
or on an object in the bucket with a PUT
amazonS3Manager.setACL(forObjectAtPath: "myFolder/fileName.jpg", acl: AmazonS3PredefinedACL.Public)
The ACLs for an object can also be set while uploading by using the optional acl
If the predefined ACLs that the Amazon S3 Service provides do not give you enough control, you may create custom ACLs using AmazonS3ACLPermissionGrant
and AmazonS3CustomACL
grants multiple users/user groups a single permission.
is comprised of multiple AmazonS3ACLPermissionGrant
s to create any series of permissions you would like to create.
To give all users read access to the bucket:
let readPermission = AmazonS3ACLPermissionGrant(permission: .Read, grantee: .AllUsers)
To give all users read access to the bucket, authenticated users write access to the bucket, and two users with a given E-mail Address and given User ID full control:
let readPermission = AmazonS3ACLPermissionGrant(permission: .Read, grantee: .AllUsers)
let writePermission = AmazonS3ACLPermissionGrant(permission: .Write, grantee: .AuthenticatedUsers)
let fullControlPermission = AmazonS3ACLPermissionGrant(permission: .FullControl, grantees: [.EmailAddress(""), .UserID("my-user-id")])
let customACL = AmazonS3CustomACL(grants: [readPermission, writePermission, fullControlPermission])