
Online Open-source Resources for Java Aficionados

Topics List

Java Basics (Syntax & Semantics)

  1. The Java Programming Language
  2. The JDK (Java Development Kit).
  3. The JVM (Java Virtual Machine).
  4. The JRE (Java Runtime Environment).
  5. Creating the first "Hello world!" program in Java.
  6. Data Types in Java (The 8 Java Primitive Types).
  7. Variables in Java.
  8. The var keyword in Java.
  9. Type Conversion & Casting in Java.
  10. Automatic Type Promotion in Java.
  11. Operators in Java.
  12. Arrays in Java.
  13. Control Statements in Java.
  14. Iteration Statements in Java.
  15. Using Command-Line Arguments in a Java program.
  16. The String class in Java.
  17. Using varargs (variable length-arguments) in a Java program.
  18. The Scanner class in Java.
  19. The BufferedReader class in Java.
  20. Controlling input and output in a Java program.
  21. Methods in Java.

Object-Oriented Programming in Java

  1. Types of program units in Java. (Class, Abstract Class, Sealed Class, Record, Interface & Enum)
  2. Declaring Objects in Java.
  3. Using Objects in Java.
  4. Reference Types in Java.
  5. Method Signature in Java.
  6. Method Types in Java.
  7. Constructors in Java.
  8. The this keyword in Java.
  9. Overloading Methods in Java.
  10. Clean Code Practices for Methods in Java.
  11. Using Objects (reference types) as Method Parameters and Arguments in Java.
  12. Using Objects (reference types) as Return-Types of Methods in Java.
  13. Recursion in Java.
  14. The static keyword in Java.
  15. The final keyword in Java.
  16. Nested Classes in Java.
  17. Inner Classes in Java.
  18. Inheritance in Java.
  19. Covariant Return-Types in Java.
  20. Overriding Methods in Java.
  21. Abstract Classes and Abstract Members in Java.
  22. Interfacing in Java.
  23. Controlling Inheritance through Sealed Classes in Java.
  24. Creating immutable types in Java through records.
  25. Packages in a Java program.
  26. Modules in a Java program.
  27. Exception Handling in Java.
  28. Multithreaded Programming in Java.
  29. Enumeration Classes in Java.
  30. Type Wrappers (Wrapper Classes) in Java.
  31. Boxing and Unboxing in Java.
  32. Annotations in Java.
  33. Generics in Java.
  34. Marker Interfaces in Java.
  35. Functional Interfaces in Java.
  36. Lambda Expressions in Java.
  37. Method References in Java.
  38. The Stream API in Java.
  39. String Handling in Java.
  40. Common classes in Java.

Data Structures & Algorithms in Java

  1. The Collections Framework in Java.
  2. The Eclipse Collections framework.
  3. Java's Date and Time APIs.
  4. Formatting values in Java.

Problem-Solving / Programming Practice

  1. Exercism
  2. HackerRank
  3. HackerEarth
  4. CodeChef
  5. LeetCode
  6. TopCoder
  7. CodinGame
  8. Sphere Online Judge
  9. CodeWars
  10. Project Euler
  11. CoderByte
  12. CodeForces
  13. Google Kick Start
  14. Google Code Jam
  15. Google Hash Code
  16. Facebook's Hacker Cup
  17. Microsoft's Imagine Cup
  18. Infosys' Hack With Infy

Tools / Others

  1. Git.
  2. GitHub.
  3. GitLab.
  4. IntelliJ IDEA.
  5. Database programming in Java with The JDBC API.
  6. File-Handling in Java with the NIO/NIO2 API.
  7. Markdown.
  8. LaTeX.
  9. UML Diagrams.
  10. Clean Code Principles.
  11. S.O.L.I.D Principles.
  12. Design Principles.
  13. Debugging in IntelliJ IDEA.


  1. Spring.
  2. Spring Boot.
  3. Hibernate.
  4. Docker.
  5. Kubernetes.
  6. CI/CD with GitHub Actions.
  7. CI/CD with GitLab.
  8. CI/CD with Jenkins.
  9. JUnit5 for testing.
  10. TestNG for testing.
  11. Mockito for testing.
  12. Apache Kafka.
  13. MySQL.
  14. SQLite.
  15. MongoDB.
  16. Firebase.
  17. Redis.
  18. Log4J/Log4J2.
  19. SLF4J.