Memory Card Game was created using React.js, CSS, and React Bootstrap. It allows the user to play the Memory Game using 16 cards. After the user matches all of the 8 pairs of cards, they can start a new game via the modal that pops up after the user wins the game. The user can also start a new game by pressing the Reset Game button at the bottom of the page.
- ⭐ Website Link
- ⭐ Screenshots
- ⭐ Getting Started
- ⭐ Prerequisites
- ⭐ Installing
- ⭐ Built With
- ⭐ Software Developer
Feel free to fork the project and change it to your likings. Try it out by cloning the repo to your local machine or download the zip file.
You will preferably need the latest version of Chrome, and a text editor.
Go here for Chrome:
VSCode is my go to:
To get started follow this guide:
In your terminal clone repo to your local machine using git clone:
git clone
Move to your newly cloned repo by entering the following in your terminal:
$ cd memory-game && npm install
To open all project files from terminal using VSCode just type and enter:
$ code .
- React.js
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- React Bootstrap
- David Carlisle