- 0
litecli cutting off long strings
#189 opened by greenersharp - 0
In memory db causes '???' to show up instead of data
#188 opened by Alex-V69 - 0
Path related bug on Windows
#187 opened by Alex-V69 - 0
- 5
SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\e'
#181 opened by dserodio - 0
`--indent` with `.schema` doesnt work
#179 opened by the-shank - 4
- 3
spatialite support
#127 opened by fgregg - 7
- 0
default prompt broken with very long filename?
#174 opened by davidszotten - 1
- 1
syntax style changes output behaviour
#169 opened by exastone - 0
<null> entries in .schema output
#170 opened by mjpieters - 2
When using .once -o, only last line remains
#148 opened by mjpieters - 1
Cancelling a query leads to an error message, there is no 'KILL' command in sqlite
#164 opened by mjpieters - 1
- 0
- 1
STRICT tables seem to not be supported
#157 opened by nguiard - 0
FR: configuration to import custom python functions
#158 opened by mjpieters - 1
When long wide characters are stored in the database, it will not output some rows if enabled auto_vertical_output
#156 opened by one-pyy - 0
when insert to `table t(t text)` , raise an exception
#155 opened by one-pyy - 2
Header names vague or hidden in grid mode
#154 opened by MohamSayed - 0
Test failure with sqlparse==0.4.3
#153 opened by vlaci - 0
“python_requires” should be set with “>=3.6”, as litecli 1.9.0 is not compatible with all Python versions
#150 opened by PyVCEchecker - 0
.schema: line breaks and missing index information
#149 opened by balta2ar - 3
Support `.eqp` like in sqlite3
#144 opened by asm0dey - 1
Can't use .once more than once.
#146 opened by mjpieters - 4
Ability to disable auto-complete functionality.
#105 opened by soupglasses - 5
json output mode for litecli
#122 opened by mrchrisadams - 2
Feature request for `.indexes` command support.
#138 opened by zxymike93 - 2
`ATTACH DATABASE` not supported
#124 opened by WesleyAC - 1
explain query: comment column is null
#121 opened by actondev - 1
.read does nothing
#120 opened by dflaxx - 0
No such function: REGEXP
#139 opened by sati-bodhi - 5
use \033 in prompt
#135 opened by one-pyy - 0
- 3
#134 opened by hardikajmani1 - 0
How do I auto-comple Foreign Key?
#133 opened by j-steinbach - 5
litecli crashing on startup
#131 opened by herjazz - 2
'str' object has no attribute 'parent'
#125 opened by oolonc - 0
".separator" command missing
#123 opened by MatFluor - 0
writefile function with fileio
#119 opened by roblabla - 0
- 1
Feature request: sqlite3 .output compatibility
#115 opened by t3h2mas - 1
History and Log Storage Location
#111 opened by theduke - 2
litecli is fantastic :)
#112 opened by darikg - 1
No module named '_sqlite3'
#108 opened by yuis-ice - 1
Allow for auto casing of SQL functions
#106 opened by soupglasses - 1
- 3
sqlparse-0.4.1 support
#104 opened by blshkv