Pedigree Finder is a database of pedigree records on various agricultural crops, developed by the National Agricultural and Food Research Organization, Japan. Pedigree Finder Ontology (PFO) is an ontology that defines the concepts and properties required to describe RDF data used in Pedigree Finder.
- Shuichi Kawashima
- Hiromi Kanegae
- Yoko Okabeppu
Kajiya-Kanegae H, Matsushita K, Hayashi T, Kawashima S, Goto A, Takezaki A, Yano M, Kikui G, Yonemaru JI
Pedigree Finder: A web-based crop pedigree viewer for graph databases, Breeding Research, 2022;24(2):115-123 doi:10.1270/jsbbr.22J02