
SPARQL client implementation in Perl

Primary LanguagePerl


SPANG is a command-line SPARQL client supporting query generation for distributed RDF databases

See also Tutorial

Getting started

  • Download spang-0.4.5.tgz and uncompress it
  • Add spang-0.4.5/bin directory to the command path
  • To see available command-line options, simply type spang


  • Using SPARQL shortcuts
    spang uniprot -S tax:511145
    spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -a
    spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -q
    spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -f rdfxml
    spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -P up:otherName
    spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -P rdfs:subClassOf+/up:scientificName
    spang uniprot -P a -O up:Protein -N
    spang mbgd -L 10
    spang mbgd -G
    spang mbgd -O tax:511145 -G
    spang mbgd -F mbgdr:organism -O tax:511145
  • Using SPARQL templates
    spang uniprot taxtree_ancestor 511145 -vac
    spang uniprot taxtree_ancestor 511145 -f json
    spang chembl list_dataset -vac
    spang chembl count_each_graph -vac
    spang mbgd search_each_class 'cyanobacteri*' -vac
    spang mbgd search_with_class orthology:OrthologsCluster 'photosystem ii' -vac
    spang mbgd mbgdl:get_ortholog K9Z723 | spang uniprot -S 1 -P rdfs:label
    spang mbgd mbgdl:get_ortholog K9Z723 | spang uniprot uniprot_xref PDB
    spang mbgd path/to/query.rq
  • Typing SPARQL directly
    spang mbgd 'select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 10'
  • Using SPARQL code saved in clipboard
    pbpaste | spang uniprot -


Hirokazu Chiba and Ikuo Uchiyama. SPANG: a SPARQL client supporting generation and reuse of queries for distributed RDF databases. BMC Bioinformatics, 18:93 (2017).

Copyright (c) 2015 Hirokazu Chiba
Released under the MIT license