
301 Moved Permanently

Closed this issue · 1 comments

kozo2 commented

Uniprot examples returns 301 Moved Permanently

Please check

root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot -S tax:511145
301 Moved Permanently
root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -a
301 Moved Permanently
root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -q
FORMAT  -f tsv
DB      http://sparql.uniprot.org
PREFIX tax: <http://purl.uniprot.org/taxonomy/>

SELECT ?p ?o
    tax:511145 ?p ?o

root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -f rdfxml
301 Moved Permanently
root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -P up:otherName
301 Moved Permanently
root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot -S tax:511145 -P rdfs:subClassOf+/up:scientificName
301 Moved Permanently
root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot -P a -O up:Protein -N
301 Moved Permanently
root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot taxtree_ancestor 511145 -vac
301 Moved Permanently
root@c3edde195308:~# ./spang-0.4.5/bin/spang uniprot taxtree_ancestor 511145 -f json
301 Moved Permanently

Thanks for the feedback.
http://sparql.uniprot.org should have been changed into https (in the config file etc/endpoints)