
Primary LanguageR

Qslice Package

Functions to facilitate implementing the quantile slice sampler and other popular slice samplers. Package includes utility functions for specifying psueudo-targets, for diagnostics, and for tuning.

This repository has two parts found in two different directories. The qslice directory has the code needed to run each slice sampler (generalized elliptical, latent, stepping-out, quantile).

The samCode directory contains sub-directories for the G prior simulation study and each of the standard targets that were tested, standard normal, gamma, and inverse gamma. Each sub-directory has README files that explain each script.

The following code gives a demonstration of the typical workflow. Note that r slice_quantile() can be embedded within any Gibbs sampler.

## use gamma(shape = alpha) as a target
alpha <- 2.5
target <- list(d = function(x) ifelse(X > 0.0, x^(alpha - 1.0) * exp(-x), 0.0), # unnormalized density
               ld = function(x) ifelse(x > 0.0, (alpha - 1.0)*log(x) - x, -Inf) # log unnormalized density

## find pseudo-target that maximizes AUC; plots the transformed target
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
pseudo <- pseudo_opt(log_target = target$ld, 
                     type = "function", 
                     family = "t",
                     lb = 0.0, 
                     utility_type = "AUC",
                     verbose = FALSE, plot = TRUE)

## set up MCMC
n_iter <- 10e3
samp_x <- samp_psi <- numeric(n_iter + 1)
samp_x[1] <- 0.5  # initialize
samp_psi[1] <- pseudo$pseu$p(samp_x[1])
n_eval <- 0  # count target evaluations

## run quantile slice sampler
for (i in 2:(n_iter+1)) {
  state <- slice_quantile(samp_x[i-1], 
                          log_target = target$ld, 
                          pseudo_log_pdf = pseudo$pseu$ld, 
                          pseudo_inv_cdf = pseudo$pseu$q)
  n_eval <- n_eval + state$nEvaluations
  samp_psi[i] <- state$u
  samp_x[i] <- state$x

## check samples
n_eval / n_iter  # target evaluations per iteration of MCMC
hist(samp_x, freq = FALSE, n = 20)
curve(dgamma(x, alpha), col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
ks.test(samp_x, pgamma, shape = alpha)  # null hypothesis: samp_x ~iid gamma(alpha)

## diagnostics
hist(samp_psi)  # want close to uniform
auc(u = samp_psi)  # want AUC close to 1

## create a new pseudo-target based on first round of samples (tune)
pseudo2 <- pseudo_opt(samples = samp_x, 
                      type = "samples",
                      family = "t",
                      lb = 0.0, 
                      utility_type = "AUC",
                      verbose = FALSE, plot = TRUE)