
This is a quick guide/study tool that will explore different types of data structures in programming. Initially this will be primarily JavaScript but I would like to add either the same or different structures in the future with different languages.


  • Be sure to install jest globally, this can be done like so: npm install -g jest (Be sure to do this in your root directory)


  1. Fork the repository over to your github account
  2. Click the green clone or download button and copy the line (HTTPS will be the easiest option)
  3. Go to your command line or git bash and git clone <paste the url here>
  4. The repository should be on your machine in a folder named DataStructurePractice

Running the tests

  1. Make sure you have run npm install -g jest in your command line or bash
  2. Navigate to the folder one level above the test.js you want to run
  3. In your command line enter jest test.js or jest test.js --watch (The second option will run the test everytime you make changes and then save the corresponding file)

More information

  • Feel free to contact me with any suggestions or edits


Daniel Doyle