
A repository for the first project in the UNCC Coding Bootcamp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Moveasy was developed to help individuals who are looking to move to a new area. The application pulls data from mulitple API sources to create an easy interface that supplies the data that we considered relevant. This is an entirely front end application that utilizes Firebase's realtime database to store any data and maintain user authentication

Moveasy Gif

Getting Started

Here is the link to our deployed application: Moveasy

For sign in:

Test email: testgithub@gmail.com
Password: password

For running locally:

Copy or fork the code over and open the html in your browser.

This site does not require a server or localhost or any npm packages.


As of May 2018 our privileges for the real estate API are closed down. Until another related source or funding is provided unfortunately this feature of the site is not running.

Built With


See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details