A mini clone of some features from Lodash library.
BEWARE: This library was published for learning purposes. It is not intended for use in production-grade software.
This project was created and published by me as part of my practice at Lighthouse Labs.
Install it:
npm install @dbeattie/lotide
Require it:
const _ = require('@dbeattie/lotide');
Call it:
const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]
countLetters(string): Returns the count of each letter of the string with an object output format.
countOnly(allItems, itemsToCount): Returns the number of times a value (itemsToCount) appears in an array.
eqArrays(arr1,arr2): Compares 2 arrays and return true if they’re equal. Only goes one layer deep, see the recursive option below that goes deeper.
eqObject(object1, object2): Compares tow objects and returns a boolean if the values are the same and the number of keys are the same. Currently only goes one layer deep, see the recursive version below that goes deeper.
findKey(obj1, callback): Returns the first key that matches the value which is given by the callback.
findKeyByValue(object, value): Returns the first key in an object that matches the value. (No callback here).
flatten(array): Takes potentially nested arrays and flattens it into a single array with no nesting. Recursive version goes many layers deep.
head(array): Returns the front element of the array.
letterPositions(sentence): Returns an object that contains the letters (key) and index positions (value) of them from the string sentence input.
map(array, callback): Takes in two arguments 1) array to map and 2) callback function (when predicate is met) and returns the altered array. -- Mimics the prototype.map method.
middle(array): Returns a new array with the middle index element value/s of the original array if it's more than 2 elements. i.e. slices off the front and back elements if longer than 3 or more elements.
tail(array): Returns a new array without the (head) first index value of the original array. i.e. returns just the tail of the array.
takeUntil(array, callback): Takes all the elements of an array and puts them into a new array until the callback terminates the action. i.e. Take until the condition of the callback is met.
without(source, itemsToRemove): Returns a new array from a source array minus any items from a a itemsToRemove array.
eqArraysRecursive(arr1, arr2): Will determine if two arrays many layers deep (deep nested) are equal.
eqObjectsRecursive(obj1, obj2): Will determine if two objects many layers deep (deep nested) are equal.
assertEqual(x,y): Logs message to show whether 2 primative types match.
assertArraysEqual(arr1, arr2): Logs a message to show if 2 arrays match.
assertObjectsEqual(Obj1, Obj2): Logs a message to show whether 2 objects match.