
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A mini clone of some features from Lodash library.


BEWARE: This library was published for learning purposes. It is not intended for use in production-grade software.

This project was created and published by me as part of my practice at Lighthouse Labs.


Install it:

npm install @dbeattie/lotide

Require it:

const _ = require('@dbeattie/lotide');

Call it:

const results = _.tail([1, 2, 3]) // => [2, 3]


  • countLetters(string): Returns the count of each letter of the string with an object output format.

  • countOnly(allItems, itemsToCount): Returns the number of times a value (itemsToCount) appears in an array.

  • eqArrays(arr1,arr2): Compares 2 arrays and return true if they’re equal. Only goes one layer deep, see the recursive option below that goes deeper.

  • eqObject(object1, object2): Compares tow objects and returns a boolean if the values are the same and the number of keys are the same. Currently only goes one layer deep, see the recursive version below that goes deeper.

  • findKey(obj1, callback): Returns the first key that matches the value which is given by the callback.

  • findKeyByValue(object, value): Returns the first key in an object that matches the value. (No callback here).

  • flatten(array): Takes potentially nested arrays and flattens it into a single array with no nesting. Recursive version goes many layers deep.

  • head(array): Returns the front element of the array.

  • letterPositions(sentence): Returns an object that contains the letters (key) and index positions (value) of them from the string sentence input.

  • map(array, callback): Takes in two arguments 1) array to map and 2) callback function (when predicate is met) and returns the altered array. -- Mimics the prototype.map method.

  • middle(array): Returns a new array with the middle index element value/s of the original array if it's more than 2 elements. i.e. slices off the front and back elements if longer than 3 or more elements.

  • tail(array): Returns a new array without the (head) first index value of the original array. i.e. returns just the tail of the array.

  • takeUntil(array, callback): Takes all the elements of an array and puts them into a new array until the callback terminates the action. i.e. Take until the condition of the callback is met.

  • without(source, itemsToRemove): Returns a new array from a source array minus any items from a a itemsToRemove array.

Two Recursive STRETCH activites:

  • eqArraysRecursive(arr1, arr2): Will determine if two arrays many layers deep (deep nested) are equal.

  • eqObjectsRecursive(obj1, obj2): Will determine if two objects many layers deep (deep nested) are equal.

The following functions are implemented but not needed with Mocha/Chai installed:

  • assertEqual(x,y): Logs message to show whether 2 primative types match.

  • assertArraysEqual(arr1, arr2): Logs a message to show if 2 arrays match.

  • assertObjectsEqual(Obj1, Obj2): Logs a message to show whether 2 objects match.