
Set of class to be used when developing in GO for appengine

Primary LanguageGo


It is a set of tools that should help in developing application/modules for Go Appengine. Developing but also testing locally and deploying.

Struct and interfaces

  • datastoreEntity This interface will help to store/retrieve/delete your object in the datastore. It takes care of the memcached layer and store the object in a json.

To be use this you object must implement the following interface:

type DatastoreEntity interface {
  GetKey() string
  GetKind() string

Then the available methods are:

func Delete(context *appengine.Context, entity DatastoreEntity) error
func Retrieve(context *appengine.Context, entity DatastoreEntity) error
func Store(context *appengine.Context, entity DatastoreEntity) error

Local AppEngine

To easy the local testing of your go appengine application, a base Docker image is proposed. It contains everything to run a multiple module application.

Everything is made to ease the work for module that can be downloaded by "go get". Let's take the example proposed by google in its tutorial:

- project-dir
   - module1-dir
   - module2-dir
   - app-Dir
  1. Build the base dbenque/goappengine image. To do so, go in folder goAppengineToolkit/docker and type:

docker build --no-cache=true --rm=true -t "dbenque/goappengine" .

  1. Run the application image, specifying the modules you would like to use:

docker run --rm -p -p -p -e "MODULES=github.com/dbenque/goAppengineToolkit/moduleData github.com/dbenque/goAppengineToolkit/moduleDefault github.com/dbenque/goAppengineToolkit/moduleHello github.com/dbenque/goAppengineToolkit/exampleApp" dbenque/goappengine

If you are not using a Dispatch.yaml file and have several modules you may have to export more ports in that command (8081, 8082 ... )

Module sub-directory structure: none!

It is important that a module is represented by a FLAT list of go files. Any subdirectory structure must be done outside the module directory, and should be available in GOPATH. This is because:

Thanks to this simple rule, we avoid conflict inside Go SDK.

Local Development

If the module is under development it is possible to mount its local dev folder and gopath in the image instead of asking the container to go get it. docker run --rm -p -p -p -v "$GOPATH/src/github.com/dbenque/goAppengineToolkit/moduleData:/home/project/moduleData" -v "$GOPATH:/localgopath:ro" -e "LOCALGOPATH=`/bin/ls $GOPATH/src`" dbenque/goappengine

This command will mount you complete GOPATH. To be more selective place only the selected folders in the variable LOCALGOPATH.