
Skeleton project to install and manage WordPress installs via Composer, Deployer and WP-CLI

Primary LanguagePHP

WIP WordPress Composer skeleton with WP-CLI and Deployer

The intent of this project framework is to assist with releases and continuous integration for a wordpress sites. It sources from the WordPress mirrored github repo.

Install Steps

  • Requires >= PHP 7.1, MySQL
  • Copy wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php (make any necessary changes for your environment) or allow composer scripts to generate wp-config.php file on new install
  • Move servers.yml.dist to servers.yml for deployer script
  1. Install composer
sh composer.sh
  1. Install Project
# Option 1: Create a new project from this skeleton
php composer.phar create-project dbergunder/wordpress-project-skeleton ./your-project-name

# Option 2: Clone this repo and run composer install
php composer.phar install --prefer-dist
  1. Install wp
# Option 1: Symlink wordpress, install plugins, and link theme folders
php composer.phar install-wordpress-cmd
php composer.phar install-plugins-cmd
php composer.phar symlink-themes-cmd

# Option 2: Install remotely via deployer (requires shared folders and files, and database setup)
# Note: Recipe is untested.
php vendor/bin/dep deploy {target}

Development Notes

Development work belongs under the ./themes folder and should be treated as the wp-content/themes directory, which will symlink after release. Make sure to have a wp-config.php file on the environment server.

Host Configurations