
Presenting 4 different algorithms to solve bipartite graphs

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Presenting 4 different algorithms to solve bipartite graphs:

#####What are Bipartite Graphs? Suppose you run a taxi service and own 10 cabs scattered across the city. Your phone is ringing off the hook, and you have 10 people waiting for a taxi, all in different parts of the city. The goal is to match all of your cars to customers while minimizing the total distance travelled, and therefore cost. This is a bipartite graph. There can be an equal number of cars to people, more cars than people, or more people than cars. The solvers presented here should be sufficient to solve all 3 cases.

####Presented in this library are four different ways to solve the above problem. From Slowest to fastest, we have:

######Naive Brute Force Exhaustive Search this is where we compute every permutation of taxis to customer and choose the one that minimizes our total cost. This is fine with anything less that 8 cars or customers, but explodes (both in time and memory) once you surpass 9 or 10, and start to run out of memory almost instantly. While it does guarantee optimality, this is in no way optimized to solve it efficiently.

######Alpha-Beta Pruning Search This is a variant of exhaustive search, but performs slightly better. It starts to build a permutation tree, but only expands nodes that have a possibility of producing a more optimal result than the current state. Whereas the naive search will expand every node, regardless of value, alpha-beta pruning checks against the current cost before expanding each node. While it guarantees optimality, and is guaranteed to be atleast as fast, if not faster, than naive search, on average, we only see a 20% increase in speed. Do not use this for anything more than 12 or 13 elements. You will run out of memory.

######Jonker-Volgenant (aka LAPJV) Here is the bread and butter. Guaranteed to provide an optimal solution, and FAST! Using linear algebra to row-reduce the cost matrix, then applying Dijkstra's algorithm to iterate through the solutions, we are able to solve a 1000x1000 problem in less than 1s! Truly incredible. If optimality is required, and speed is important (when isn't it?), this is the best solution, anywhere on the web!

######Greedy Search The fastest of all. While it does NOT guarantee optimality, it does do a fairly decent job at giving a near-optimal solution. If speed is the driving factor, you have a huge number of elements (>10000), and optimality is not required, greedy search is a viable option.

How to Run

Each algorithm can be run (and plotted) individually by running the Run*.java in each of the subdirectories. For example, if you wish to try out lapjv, try running RunLAP.java. You can edit some variables in the file if you wish to play around with the number of elements, or even the cost function.

There is also a Main.java included which runs a speed test and saves the output to a csv which can then be imported into excel and plotted. Maybe a handfull of people will find this useful.

######Even easier, the examples can be run using the executables in the bin directory. Simply click the executable you wish to run, and a window should pop up with the results. If you want to try a different number of elements than default, you can run the exe in command prompt and supply extra arguments. A single digit argument will map N elements to N elements, while two arguments will map N elements to M elements. N can be greater than, equal to, or less than M.