
ChronalCalibration is a proposition of solution to Chronal Calibration problem.

My take is optimistic in the sense that I expect both the initial frequency and each data variation to be valid integers. Also as the promblem state the computer may

need to repeat its list of frequency changes many times before a duplicate frequency is found The code can be expanded to manage more complex cases. I will assume that at some point I will reach a repeated frequency (Otherwise the we would run into an infinit loop)


Nothing to do! I've writen the code with elixir 1.9 but I won't be using any of the latest features of the language.

You can run the tests

$ mix test


The ChronalCalibration module is documented according to the hex-doc standard directly in the the module file.

Give it a spin!

Step 1


$ iex -S mix
iex> ChronalCalibration.computed_frequency(0, "./data/")

see the module file for documentation.

Step 2


$ iex -S mix
iex> ChronalCalibration.first_frequency_repeated(0, "./data/")