
An implementation of a Server/Client console application in C, on Linux Environment

Primary LanguageC

Owner: Daniel Better

An implementation of a Server/Client application based on both TCP/UDP protocols

How to run the client/server:

There's a "Makefile" included in the folder of the excercise.


After "Make", there'll be 2 executable files, "server" & "client".

First of all, activate the "server":

There are two options as to how to run the server:

TCP connection, supports -d & -s flags

  • -d for directive to start at
  • -s for "select" implementation of the new connections instead of "fork"

UDP connection, also supports the -d directive.

$./server -u

when server is activated with -u the client must be run with -u corressponding aswell (instructions up-ahead)

Now we can run the client: 2 options:

TCP connection:


UDP connection: (must be corressponding to the $./server -u option)

$./client -u

The client supports the following commands: cd, lcd, put, get, dir, quit.