
Keda example with Kafka and some microservices

Primary LanguageJava

Keda is a Kubernetes autoscaling based on events

Global Architecture

Start up

Operator installation:

oc apply -f gitops/bootstrap/openshift-gitops.yaml

Retrieve ArgoCD route:

oc get route -A | grep openshift-gitops-server | awk '{print $3}'

Get the ArgoCD admin password:

oc -n openshift-gitops get secret openshift-gitops-cluster -o json | jq -r '.data["admin.password"]' | base64 -d

ArgoCD needs some privileges to create specific resources. In this demo, we'll apply cluster-role to ArgoCD to avoid the fine-grain RBAC.

oc apply -f gitops/bootstrap/cluster-role.yaml

Now, we apply the bootstrap application:

oc apply -f gitops/bootstrap/bootstrap.yaml