
REU 2016: Activity Recognition Research Project

Primary LanguagePython

Segmentation and Classification of Surgical Gestures using Joint Learning of Spatial and Temporal Information

MATLAB R2015a and Python 3.4 (Anaconda 3.4) Each experiment was run on the JHU foo.cis.jhu.edu server.

Instructions to run the joint learning algorithm

  1. Set up JIGSAWS. You can download it from here: http://cirl.lcsr.jhu.edu/research/hmm/datasets/jigsaws_release/

  2. Set up the SDSDL code [by Shahin Sefati]. Follow these steps:

  3. Download the SDSDL code and add this folder's contents to joint_learning_REU2016/SDSDL/

  4. Download the Matlab interface of SPAMS from here: http://spams-devel.gforge.inria.fr/downloads.html 1. I used SPAMS v2.5.

  5. In the scripts in iv - viii , you have to modify the address for the JIGSAWS dataset and the SPAMS mex files to point to your local files otherwise you get errors.

  6. Run "script_pca_sdl_LOSO.m" and "script_pca_sdl_LOUO.m" to: * read the raw data, * standardize the data (subtract the mean and divide by the standard deviation), * apply PCA, * run sparse dictionary learning, * save results (to "pca-sdl" folder) * These two scripts call other .m files including: compute_pca_sdl_LOSO.m, compute_pca_sdl_LOUO.m, read_data.m, standardize_data.m, pca_identification.m, testdata_pca_sparsecoding.m

  7. Run "script_svm_LOSO.m" and "script_svm_LOUO.m" to: * load data from previous step * train linear svm using stochastic gradient descent * save results (to "lin-svm" folder) * These two scripts call other .m files including: compute_svm_LOSO.m, compute_svm_LOUO.m, sgd_linSVM.m, linSVM_predict.m, downsampleTrainingData.m

  8. Run "script_supervised_DL_LOSO.m: and "script_supervised_DL_LOUO.m" to: * load the initialization data for supervised dictionary learning and save (to "initialization" folder) * run supervised dictionary learning to jointly learn the classifier and the dictionary * save results (to "supervised" folder) * These two scripts call other .m files including: load_pca_sdl_linsvm_save_LOSO.m, load_pca_sdl_linsvm_save_LOUO.m, compute_supervised_DL_LOSO.m, compute_supervised_DL_LOUO.m, sgd_supervisedDL_linSVM.m, compute_feature.m, diffDic.m, sumpool_dup.m, downsampleTrainingData.m

  9. Run "script_viterbi_LOSO.m" and "script_viterbi_LOUO.m" to: * load the PCA of the data, dictionary and sparse codes, and jointly learned classifier and dictionary (load data from "pca-sdl" and "supervised" folders) * compute frame by frame predictions after applying Viterbi algorithm * save the final predictions (save to "final-results" folder) * These two scripts call other .m files including: compute_feature.m, compute_label.m, compute_viterbi_LOSO.m, compute_viterbi_LOUO.m, tranistion_probs.m, viterbi_path_log.m, saveAllResults.m

  10. Run "compute_micro_accuracy.m" to: * load results from "final-results" folder * compute the micro averages

  11. Setup the LCTM code by running python setup.py build

  12. Extract the sparse codes into the sparse-z/ directory

  13. Under SDSDL, create a new folder titled sparse-z.

  14. Edit the in_path_prefix and out_path_prefix variables in extract_sparse.m

  15. Run extract_sparse.m to populate the sparse-z directory.

  16. Run joint learning (finally!)

  17. Check paths to SPAMS and SDSDL in sgd_dict_par.m

  18. Check the paths to the training data, testing data, and the initialization data in joint_learning.py

  19. Specify the task (Suturing, Knot_Tying, Needle_Passing) in the path, the experimental setup (LOSO or LOUO), and which user/supertrial is being left out. Specify the parameters n_psi_updates, n_wp_iter, skip_chain, c.

  20. Create a directory with the name joint_learning in the same directory as the joint_learning.py script

  21. Run the joint_learning.py script

  22. The objective function plot and the test accuracy plot will be saved into the joint_learning directory.