
Install Cro

$ wget
$ tar -zxvf Cosmos.Relayer_0.9.3_linux_amd64.tar.gz
$ cp "Cosmos Relayer" /usr/local/bin/rly

Init config

$ rly config init
$ cd .relayer/config

Create a settings file for Ki

$ nano ki_config.json

copy the content and place it in a file

{ "chain-id": "kichain-t-4", "rpc-addr": "http://localhost:26657", "account-prefix": "tki", "gas-adjustment": 1.5, "gas-prices": "0.025utki", "trusting-period": "10m" }

Create a settings file for Cro

$ nano cro_config.json

copy the content and place it in a file

{ "chain-id": "testnet-croeseid-4", "rpc-addr": "http://localhost:26652", "account-prefix": "tcro", "gas-adjustment": 1.5, "gas-prices": "0.025basetcro", "trusting-period": "10m" }

Add settings to config

$ rly chains add -f $HOME/.relayer/config/ki_config.json
$ rly chains add -f $HOME/.relayer/config/cro_config.json
$ cd

Add or restore wallets


$ rly keys add testnet-croeseid-4 key_cro
$ rly keys add kichain-t-4 key_ki

or restore:

$ rly keys restore testnet-croeseid-4 key_cro "your mnemonic Cro wallet"
$ rly keys restore kichain-t-4 key_ki "your mnemonic Ki wallet"

Check wallets balances

$ rly q bal testnet-croeseid-4
$ rly q bal kichain-t-4


Ki: Discord group "Ki Foundation"

Cro: Discord group " Chain"

Init the light client

$ rly light init testnet-croeseid-4 -f
$ rly light init kichain-t-4 -f

Create channels

$ rly paths generate kichain-t-4 testnet-croeseid-4 ki-cro --port=transfer
$ rly paths generate testnet-croeseid-4 kichain-t-4 cro-ki --port=transfer

Check list

$ rly chains list

there should be flags:

0: kichain-t-4          -> key(✔) bal(✔) light(✔) path(✔)
1: testnet-croeseid-4   -> key(✔) bal(✔) light(✔) path(✔)

Open channels

$ rly tx link ki_cro --debug

waiting for "★ Channel created"

$ rly tx link cro_ki --debug

waiting for "★ Channel created"

Cross-chain transactions

you need to replace YOUR_CRO_WALLET with your wallet address

rly tx transfer kichain-t-4 testnet-croeseid-4 1000000utki YOUR_CRO_WALLET --path ki_cro

you need to replace YOUR_KI_WALLET with your wallet address

rly tx transfer testnet-croeseid-4 kichain-t-4 1000000basetcro YOUR_KI_WALLET --path cro_ki