The java consumer API of kafka is tedious. This is an easy-to-use JDBC for kafka.
This jdbc relies on the SimpleConsumer in kafka. So you have to use it with kafka_2.xx-0.x.x.x.jar, see for downloading kafka, extract kafka, the jar-balls can be found in the libs sub directory.
You can clone this repo, there is a jdbc-for-kafka-x.x.x.jar in the root directory. add this jar file and the kafka jar file into your java project.
Here is the example test code:
Properties info = new Properties();
info.setProperty("", "12345");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("kafka://log04:9092/test", info);
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(Query.GET_LEADER_PARTITIONS_METADATA);
while (
System.out.println(((Broker)rs.getObject("leader")).host() + ", " + rs.getInt("partitionId") + ", " + rs.getInt("sizeInBytes"));
A full example of using jdbc-for-kafka can be found in src/cn/edu/ruc/kafka/test/KafkaJDBCTest