
Web page for Cornell CSE field.

Primary LanguageHTML

CSE web page

General design

The current design is based on the previous page with updates to the style and the internal organization.

For content management, I am using Jekyll a plain-text static site generator. The chief goal of using Jekyll is to separate the content from presentation, making it simpler to apply general stylistic changes in the future.

The main repository for the sources is on GitHub, but updates to the GitHub repository automatically trigger a remote script to rebuild the web pages and push them to the server.

Data files

The field membership, relevant courses, links to reading, and site navigation are all YAML files that should be fairly self-explanatory. These live under the _data subdirectory.


Pages can be written in HTML or in Markdown, based on the extension (.html or .md). Pages that should be linked from the main menu can be added to the nav.yml data file; add a nav tag to the page header information so that it shows as the active page in the menu when it is being viewed.


The current site style is built on the Cornell CSS framework, one of the free offerings from the Cornell Custom Development group.