
A default content deploy solution for Drupal 8.

Primary LanguagePHP

Default content deploy

A default content deploy solution for Drupal 8.

  • Introduction
  • Requirements
  • Install
  • Configuration
  • Drush commands
  • Workflow - how to export and deploy content
  • Protecting exported content data files
  • Maintainers
  • Sponsor


This module (DCD) provides content deployment and allows development and building sites without the need to transfer database between the sites. The development team can export and deploy all content via Git and content can be deployed to the staging servers automatically during common deploy processes. Module provides useful drush commands for export/import content. Import function can also be ran from administration interface.



Sites config synchronization (optional)

If you need to synchronize only content, you can skip this chapter. You need identical site UUID for successful syncing configuration between sites. If you need to sychronize configuration, use drush config-set for set Site UUID to identical value.


drush config-set "system.site" uuid 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111


  • with composer

      composer require drupal/default_content_deploy
  • with drush

      drush en default_content_deploy 


Set DCD content directory in settings.php. We recommend to place directory outside of the document root. If no configuration is found, directory is created automatically at 'public://content_' . $hash_salt;


// relative path
$config['content_directory'] = '../content';
// absolute path
$config['content_directory'] = '/var/dcd/content';

Drush commands

Module provides many useful shortcuts for export content and one very important command for deploy content. You can export only one entity, bunch of entities, entities by type or export whole site at once.

If a wrong content entity type is entered, module displays a list of all content entity types available on the site as hint.

drush default-content-deploy:export, drush dcde

Exports a single entity or group of entities with no references.


  • entity_type - Entity type (e.g. node, user, taxonomy/term, custom_entity_type...)


  • entity_id - ID of entity for export.
  • bundle - Entity bundle, e.g. content type for nodes.
  • skip_entities - ID of entity to skip.


drush dcde node

Export all nodes.

drush dcde node --bundle=page

Export all nodes with bundle (content type) page.

drush dcde node --bundle=page,article --entity_id=2,3,4

Export all nodes with bundle page or article plus nodes with entity id 2, 3 and 4.

drush dcde node --bundle=page,article --skip_entities=5,7

Export all nodes with bundle page or article and skip nodes with entity id 5 and 7.

drush dcde node --skip_entities=5,7

Export all nodes and skip nodes with entity id 5 and 7.

drush default-content-deploy:export-with-references, drush dcder

Exports a single entity or group of entities with all references.

If a wrong content entity type is entered, module displays a list of all content entity types available on the site as hint.

The options are identical in drush dcde.


  • entity_type - Entity type (e.g. node, user, taxonomy/term…)


  • entity_id - ID of entity for export.
  • bundle - Entity bundle, e.g. content type for nodes.
  • skip_entities - ID of entity to skip.


drush dcder node

Export all nodes with references

drush dcder node --bundle=page

Export all nodes with references with bundle page

drush dcder node --bundle=page,article --entity_id=2,3,4

Export all nodes with references with bundle page or article plus nodes with entitiy id 2, 3 and 4.

drush dcder node --bundle=page,article --skip_entities=5,7

Export all nodes with references with bundle page or article and skip nodes with entity id 5 and 7.

drush dcder node --skip_entities=5,7

Export all nodes and skip nodes with references with entity id 5 and 7.

drush default-content-deploy:export-site, drush dcdes

Exports a whole site content + path aliases. You can exclude entities by their type. Use 'drush dcd-entity-list' for list of all content entities on this system.


  • skip_entity_type - entity types to exclude from export.


drush dcdes

Export complete website.

drush dcdes --skip_entity_type=node,user

Export complete website but skip nodes and users.

drush default-content-deploy:export-aliases, drush dcdea

Exports URL aliases.


drush dcdea
Export url aliases.

drush default-content-deploy:import-aliases, drush dcdia

Import URL aliases.


drush dcdia
Import url aliases.

drush default-content-deploy:import, drush dcdi

Deploy (import/create/update/replace) content from all exported files.

JSON files with exported content is expected in the directory defined in $config['content_directory']. It can be defined in the settings.php. See example in the Configuration section above.

Important rules for import content

  • Imported entity is determined by UUID (it can be either new or already existing).
  • ID of entity is preserved, so entity can not change its ID.
  • Non-existing entity (the new one) is created with exported ID.
  • Existing entity is updated only if imported entity is newer (by timestamp of the last entity change).
  • Imported entity with the same or older time than the current existing entity is skipped.
  • If a file entity does not have an existing file, the file will be created. The file will be recreated even if there is a existing file entity, but its file has been deleted.
  • If the new entity ID is already occupied by some existing entity, it is skipped.
  • This behavior can be changed by parameter --force-update

drush dcdi --force-update

  • Existing entity is overwritten by the imported entity (the old entity is deleted and a new entity with the same ID is created from imported JSON file).
  • There is an exception for the user-type entity that only updates the UUID and the username, because overwriting a user entity would result in creating a blocked user without password and email (the user entity export JSON file doesn't contain such information).

drush dcdi --verbose

  • Print detailed information about importing entities.


drush dcdi
drush dcdi --force-update
drush dcdi --verbose
drush dcdi --verbose --force-update

Run import process form UI

If you can not use Drush, go to page /admin/config/development/dcd-import. Check "Import content" permission.

drush default-content-deploy:uuid-info, drush dcd-uuid-info

Display current values of System Site, Admin and Anonymous UUIDs, Admin name.


drush dcd-uuid-info

drush default-content-deploy:entity-list, drush dcd-entity-list

Displays all current content entity types.


drush dcd-entity-list

Team workflow - how to synchronize configuration and content between sites

Even though the DCD module does not necessarily require that the sites have identical site UUID, it is logical that transferring entities from one site to another requires identical configuration of entities (e.g. identical fields in identically named bundles). That is why we include configuration synchronization to the teamworkflow.

There are many articles about export/import configuration, so this is only a sumarization of the most important things.

Initiate project and Synchronize site configurations

Developer 1 (first pusher)

provides the first copy of a project. He must:

  1. Create Drupal 8 project

  2. Set identical information for the whole development team (e.g. save them to default.settings.php)

  3. Set identical directory for config management ($config_directories['sync'])

  4. Set identical directory for content export/import ($config['content'])

  5. Set identical file or value for Drupal salt ($settings['hash_salt']), e.g.:

    $settings['hash_salt'] = file_get_contents('../config/salt/salt.txt');
  6. Install Drupal project (use the same installation profile, e.g. minimal)

  7. Set (or get) Site UUID and share the value with the team. Identical Site UUID is neccessary for sharing Drupal configuration files.

     drush config-get "system.site" uuid
     drush config-set "system.site" uuid "112233…8899"
  8. Install Default Content Deploy module and optionally the File entity module for exporting files like images.

  9. Export configuration drush cex

  10. Prepare team Git repository and push the project files into it.

  11. Share necessary information with other developers.

Developer 2 - n-th (pullers)

install clones of the project. They must:

  1. Clone project from the Git repository

  2. Set identical information (identical setting in settings.php)

  3. Common directory for config management ($config_directories['sync'])

  4. Common directory for content export/import ($config['content_directory'])

  5. Common file or value for Drupal salt ($settings['hash_salt'])

  6. Install Drupal with the same installation profile

  7. Set Site UUID to identical value.

     drush config-set "system.site" uuid "112233…8899"
  8. Import configuration

     drush cim

Export and import content

For successful syncing content between sites, you need to have identical UUIDs for Admin user and Anonymous user (and for others users too if you have them). These values will be synced automatically during DCD import process if the user entities are exported, so we recommend to start exporting content with all references.

Developer pusher

  1. Creates some testing content

  2. Export content. There are many ways to export content via drush, from one entity to the entire site (the easiest way).

     drush dcdes
  3. Commit and push exported files to common Git repository

     git commit
     git push

Developer puller

  1. Pull changes from the git repository

     git pull
  2. Simply import content

     drush dcdi --force-update

This command warns a user about entities in conflict. You can use --verbose option (-v) for more detailed information. We recomend more aggressive way which ensures that all content entities will be synchronized with the source. This option also rewrites already created content and updates UUID for core user entity. See detailed explanation in the Important Import rules.

Common team workflow

Developer pusher

1. drush cex
2. drush dcdes
3. git commit
4. git push

Developer puller

1. git pull
2. drush updb
4. drush cim
5. drush dcdi --force-update

Jenkins and tools for continous development / integration

Imagine Jenkins like one of the developers in the puller role but with no interaction capability. His workflow can look like this:

1. git pull
2. drush updb -y
3. drush cim -y
4. drush cr
5. drush dcdi --force-update -y

Protecting exported content data files

We recommend placing the content directory outside of the document root, so the exported content is well protected. In this case it will not be accessible from the web server.

If this is not possible, it could result in a security problem. Should any attacker know the UUID of desired content and also where it is stored, then he could determine the URL to obtain the desired content without permission.

Example of attacker’s URL:


Secure content directory within docroot

You can secure access to content directory via .htaccess or Nginx configuration.

Example for Nginx host config:

location ~ .*/default_content_deploy_content/.*.json$ {
  return 403;

Example of .htaccess for Apache host.

Deny from all

Place .htaccess into content directory.

Authors and maintainers


This project has been sponsored by:

HBF s.r.o., http://hbf.sk/, https://www.drupal.org/hbf

HBF provides flexible easy-to-use web solutions for your company. Its mission is to help you run your business in online world with attractive and perfectly working website.