📁 ...Yet...Another Static Site Generator...📁

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Webpack / Gulp Build:

This SSG uses pug for templating - sass for styleeeing - JS grooveeeying. JS bundling is handled through webpack, all the other build automation is done with gulp. It creates a static site in another folder. WOW!!!!!!!

More a proof of concept, not suave for production use!

Some fun stuff:

  • Use a JSON file to define variables that be used in SASS, JS, and even Templates! 🔮 - in this case its called... _vars.json

Commands you gotta run:

# install dependencies
npm install

# Get Started by merging up your data files - in json format
gulp merge-json

# Run to compile files both handles by both gulp and webpack and launch web server with hot reload (gulp watch only)

# Bundle the js up for production
npm run build