
GameTDB Artwork Downloader

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This tool allows you to download GameTDB artwork, and store it to your local machine. It's written in Python, provides command line, and programatical interface.

NOTE: GameTDB (http://www.gametdb.com/) provides game artwork for Consoles (Wii(U), PS3).


Gametdb-artwork should run on all platforms that have Python2.7 installed.

Install Python2.7

OSX (via homebrew):

$ brew install python
# verify latest pip & setuptools
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ pip install --upgrade pip

Ubuntu/ Debian (Linux):

$ sudo apt-get install python python-pip
# verify latest pip & setuptools
$ sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip

Clone github repository

$ git clone https://github.com/dblommesteijn/gametdb-artwork

Install the application onto your system

$ cd gametdb-artwork/
$ chmod +x setup.py
$ sudo ./setup.py install --record installation_files.txt


# some files may require you to become root
$ cat installation_files.txt | xargs sudo rm -rf

Using the CLI

# download artwork to `./tmp/<UUID>/BLES01807.jpg`
$ gametdb-artwork BLES01807
# print command options
$ gametdb-artwork -h

Using the programmatical interface

from gametdbartwork.gametdb import GametDb
# collect covers for R30P01 (downloads them to the current directory)
# NOTE: GametDb by default creates a structure for the stored covers with `./tmp/<UUID>/<ids>.png`
GametDb(target="./", output=True, debug=True).retrieve_single("R3OP01")

NOTE: by default all types and platforms will be iterated to find a match for the given ID or serial. By limiting the scope of extensions and platforms less requests have to be made to the URL (so it's faster).

# retrieve Wii covers (png files)
GametDb(platforms='wii', extensions=['png']).retrieve_single("R3OP01")
# retrieve PS3 covers (jpg files)
GametDb(platforms='ps3', extensions=['jpg']).retrieve_single("BLES01807")


You can verify TestCases running the following command

$ python -m unittest discover tests