
desert colorscheme

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is forked from https://github.com/fugalh/desert.vim. The differences are described below.

Diff Colors

The first change I needed to make was to change the diff colors. The original settings sometimes had text match its background when vimdiff'ing shell scripts.

In the picture below, the top screenshot is the "before" image, and the bottom one is the "after" image.

vimdiff example

Tab and Completion Colors

The first screenshot is the "before" image with confusing tab colors (it looks like README.md is the selected tab, but actually desert.vim is), and a neon bright completion menu with muted selected item that gets too easily lost in short menus.

previous completion example

The next screenshot has the changes in this theme. "desert.vim" is more clearly the selected tab, and the completion menu is clearer.

completion example


Put in ~/.vim/colors or (\vimfiles\colors on Windows) and do :colorscheme desert in vim to use.

You can download it from the command line like so:

$ curl -LSso ~/.vim/colors/desert.vim \