
DBMaker driver for Go.

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

dbmaker driver is the odbc-compatible driver for DBMaker database management system. It calls into dmapi54.dll on Windows, and use cgo dynamic linked to libdmapic.so on Linux. NOTE, dbmaker doesn't use unixODBC or windows ODBC Driver Manager.

On windows, you should add the path contains dmapi54.dll into the env variable %PATH%, then run your program. e.g.

set PATH=C:\DBMaker\5.4\bin;%PATH%
go test github.com/dbmaker-go/dbmaker

If you want to switch to DBMaker 5.5, you should modify zapi_windows.go to load dmapi55.dll

  moddmapi54 = syscall.NewLazyDLL("dmapi55.dll")

On linux, you can modify cgo linux LDFLAGS/CFLAGS of api_unix.go/zapi_unix.go to swith to DBMaker 5.5.

The cgo flags for static linking to libdmapic.a:

// #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -ldmapic -ldl -lm -L/home/dbmaker/5.4/lib
// #cgo linux CFLAGS: -I/home/dbmaker/5.4/include
// #include "sql.h"
// #include "sqlext.h"

For dynamic linking to libdmapic.so:

// #cgo linux LDFLAGS: -ldmapic  -L/home/dbmaker/5.4/lib/so
// #cgo linux CFLAGS: -I/home/dbmaker/5.4/include
// #include "sql.h"
// #include "sqlext.h"

If using libdmapic.so, env variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH must contain the path in where libdmapic.so resided. e.g.:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/dbmaker/5.4/lib/so
go test github.com/dbmaker-go/dbmaker ## need start DBSAMPLE5 DB before hand.

A simple example:

import (
    _ "github.com/dbmaker-go/dbmaker"

func main(){
	db, err := sql.Open("dbmaker","DSN=DB1;UID=SYSADM;PWD=xxx;");

For more information about DBMaker, please refer to www.dbmaker.com.tw .