
Castle exploration game.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Castle Raider

As the sun dips below the ramparts of the old town, the last of the troops file
in. As they make their way through the narrow, cobbled streets, small groups of
them quietly slink away into the many taverns that give this district its bad
reputation. The lamps are lit and the merriment spills out onto the streets
with laughing, singing, pushing and shoving. There will be trouble later, but
by then you will be long gone.

It is time for the guard to change, time for the night watch to begin their
duties, but they are in no hurry; though the outlaws in the countryside know
the force stationed here will be no threat tonight, they gave them a wide
berth during their march here. The people in the nearby villages can sleep
soundly for a change.

As the members of the night watch slowly begin to take their places on the
ramparts you take your chance and slip through the open gate, taking refuge in
the long shadows fleeing the sunset. The few eyes looking in your direction are
hardly able to make out your form as you wait for the approaching nightfall.

You recall the stories told when you were young. When the town itself was
already old, the last of the elders told of a time when it was still a village,
not much more than a few houses and shelters. The road that ran through it went
to the castle on the edge of the wasteland that now lies derelict and deserted.

Night falls quickly in this season at the edge of the kingdom. Memories of
fireside tales about the king's lost crown and the hidden treasure of the old
kingdom make the journey across the plains more bearable. Soon you arrive at
the outer fortifications. Crossing a bridge, you enter. As you pass beneath the
outer gate it suddenly crashes into place, cutting off your exit. It was just
as well you hadn't planned to return that way.

Nature has reclaimed parts of the castle, its ruins crumbling in places and
crawling with creatures that people once knew well to leave alone. To make your
way through it to the lands beyond, you will need to unlock the few doors and
gates that still stand. Perhaps the folk tales were true and the king's
treasure still remains, but survival is more important here. If you live to
pass through the outer gate then the story alone will have made the journey


The sources for this game can be obtained from the Mercurial repository hosted
on the Retro Software site:


You can download an archive of the current sources by clicking on one of the
"bz2", "zip" or "gz" links on the main repository page.

Alternatively, you can use Mercurial to clone this repository from the command
line, obtaining the full development history of the game:

  hg clone http://www.retrosoftware.co.uk/hg/castleraider

You need Python, the Python Imaging Library, the UEFfile module and the Ophis
6502 assembler to build the game.

Run the build.py script at the command line, passing the name of the UEF file
to create. If the file was created, load it into an Electron emulator or create
a sound file with one of the UEF utilities available online.

Loading the Game from Cassette

Insert the cassette in the cassette recorder and type


then press Return. Press play on the cassette recorder. The game should now

Loading the Game from Disk

Insert the disk and press Shift-Break. The game should now load.

Loading the Game from ROM Cartridge

Ensure that the computer is switched off. Insert the ROM cartridge and switch
the computer on. The game should load automatically.

Playing the Game

The player must help their character escape the castle, ideally with some
hidden treasure.

Your character can roam the castle and its surroundings using the following
control keys:

  Z         left
  X         right
  Return    jump
  /         enter

The character may enter different parts of the castle by entering the arched
doorways that can be found in various places. While standing in a doorway,
press the / key to enter.

Alternatively, you may may use an analogue joystick with the following

  Left      left
  Right     right
  Fire      jump
  Down      enter

Select joystick controls by pressing the Fire button on the title page to start
the game. Press Space to start the game with keyboard controls.

Other keys are used to control features of the game:

  S         enable sound effects
  Q         disable sound effects
  P         pause the game
  O         resume the game
  Escape    quit the game, returning to the title screen


Copyright (C) 2014 David Boddie <david@boddie.org.uk>
An Infukor production for Retro Software (http://www.retrosoftware.co.uk/)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.